Search Results for: masturbation

Blog Post

6 Ways to Raise a Sex Addict

In my seven years of counseling sex addicts and their wives, I’ve seen some common themes amongst the sex addicts’ families of origin. I’d like to share them with you today. Here are six ways to raise a sex addict. In the chance that you’d rather focus on raising your…

Blog Post

Why Doesn’t God Just Take My Sexual Desire Away?

In our frustrations with our sexual purity journey we’ve probably wondered: Why doesn’t God just take my sexual desire away? Why doesn’t He zap me and give me self-control? Why do I have to continue struggling? If God would take away my desire, wouldn’t it fix everything? Let’s consider why…

Blog Post

How I Found Freedom From the Binge and Purge Cycle of Porn

Since the age of 11 years old, I have struggled with pornography and purity. I Was Trapped in a “Binge and Purge” Cycle I can still vividly remember the day that my innocence was stripped from me, when I first entered that word on that computer and my life was…

Blog Post

Is Naked Art a Form of Pornography?

I’m often asked, “What’s the difference between pornography and naked art?” Usually the person who asks this assumes there is no difference, and his question is intended to help me see that. This video offers the beginning of an answer to why there is a difference. Defining our terms is a…

Blog Post

Trapped in a Vicious Cycle of Impurity

Why can it be so difficult to overcome our temptations, stop our intake of perversity through forms of entertainment like music videos or pornography, and fully repent of acts like masturbation? I believe it is because too often we treat our sins of choice like they are a comfort and…

Blog Post

Praying Through the Guilt

Do you remember the first time you told a lie? One of my friends recently told me that he remembers the first time he lied to his parents. He was 12 years old, and he felt so guilty! As guilt set in, he ran to his room, closed the door,…

Blog Post

How & When To Tell Your Kids About Sex – Book Review

As the mother of an eleven year old and a five year old, I was eager to read Stan and Brenna’s Jones’ award winning book How and When to Tell Your Kids About Sex. My husband and I both grew up in homes where sexual development and sexuality were mentioned…

Blog Post

“Hey, wanna see something?” – Brandon’s Journey Away From Porn

“Hey, wanna see something?” It was the question that would change my life for the next 16 years. This question seemed quite harmless to an innocent 12-year-old just hanging out with his best friend, wasting time on the computer. Little did I know that I was walking right into a…

Blog Post

Fight Fear With Freedom

I am going on just shy of a year free from online pornography. I am in a healthy and happy relationship with the love of my life, and my relationship with my family has never been stronger. I have an accountability group of my peers from my university that lift…

Blog Post

The Bible and the Brain

How Scripture strengthens, renews neurological pathways The Creator of the brain gave mankind a neurological handbook—the Bible. To live new lives we just have to embed its truths into our daily thinking. Science shows us why the brain can so easily become obsessed with pornography, and it also explains the…