Search Results for: masturbation

Blog Post

True Story: Woman Finds Healing After 15 Years of Addiction

To maintain anonymity, we have removed the name of the user who submitted this story and replaced her name with “G.” This is a true story. “I was raised in a big Christian, conservative home (and still hold to those views and doctrines), where no one expected porn to be…

Blog Post

6 Crucial Questions About Porn With Allen Parr

What’s a surprising way that porn can harm your life? “One of the things that is plaguing a lot of men—and this used to be an issue that only surfaced in older men, middle aged men—is erectile dysfunction.” Studies are showing a significant increase in erectile dysfunction issues in younger…

Blog Post

Sex Addiction Recovery: Avoiding Sexual Triggers

by Tim Davis The Internet is the number one stumbling block for almost all the people struggling with sexual sin. It’s not prostitutes, affairs, or adult bookstores—it’s the Internet. Few seem to understand the importance of an Internet filter. However, without it, you constantly open the door to temptation and…

Blog Post

Hypofrontality: How Using Porn Destroys Your Willpower

Hypofrontality isn’t a word you see every day—but it might hold the secret to why you keep looking at porn. Neuroscience now knows that willpower is a function of the prefrontal lobes of the brain. Scientific studies have also confirmed that using porn over and over actually reshapes these areas of the…

Blog Post

How Do I Keep My Husband from Looking at Pornography?

My wife runs a ministry at our church called Hearts Restored.  It ministers to women who have suffered sexual betrayal.  In almost every case the husband struggles with or is addicted to porn. The reaction of their wives is multifaceted.  They are angry.  They feel betrayed. They feel the need…

Blog Post

An Open Letter to a Female Sex Addict

Dear Precious One, I have been where you are. I am no stranger to the shame that you feel. Although they are now in my rear view mirror, the horrible self-hate, the embarrassment, the sexual desires that I feared I could not control, the depression, the regret, and so many…

Blog Post

Big Fat Lie: Porn Empowers Women

Some believe pornography can actually be empowering for women. For instance, Betty Dodson has been an outspoken feminist leader since the 1970s. While she doesn’t think porn offers the best in sexual education and she would prefer men generate their own mental fantasies, she sees nothing is wrong with masturbating to…

Blog Post

Why do teens sext?

Twenty percent of teens have sent or posted nude or semi-nude pictures or videos of themselves, either over the Internet or through cell phones. The question many adults are asking is what motivates this kind of behavior. A couple weeks ago danah boyd spoke at Columbia University for The ReadWriteWeb…

Blog Post

Christian Women Need to Talk About Sexuality

I was shocked when they announced the title of the next book study that we would be doing. I was sitting in a room in my church next to Zack, surrounded by other small group leaders. “This is a conversation that we need to have more often in church,” my…