Articles by Sam Guzman
Sam Guzman has been on the Covenant Eyes team for the last five years. He is the author of The Catholic Gentleman: Living Authentic Manhood Today and the founder of the blog and podcast of the same name. His writing has appeared in various publications and he is a frequent guest on podcasts and other media outlets. Sam is also a co-author of Transformed by Beauty, which teaches how beauty can help you heal from the wounds of pornography. He is currently an intern finishing his Masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. He lives in Oklahoma with his wife and five kids.

The Relationship Between Porn and Depression: Is It Real?
Have you ever felt strangely sad and gloomy for days, like the world is suddenly colorless and oppressive? Have you ever felt a certain heaviness like there’s an elephant sitting on your chest? Have you…

Embodied Emotions and Overcoming Porn
One of the things therapists love to talk about is feelings. That’s why the stereotype of a psychologist is a bespectacled man in a turtleneck, leaning back in his leather chair with his notepad in…

Trauma and Porn: The Potential Link
Have you ever wondered where addictions, like the compulsive use of pornography, come from? Why do some people get addicted to things that other people can do without ever getting addicted? It’s a good question,…

5 Tips for Being an Effective and Caring Ally
Being an ally isn’t easy. We sign up to be allies because we want to support our friend in their battle with porn. They trusted us enough to reach out for help, after all, and…

The Life-Changing Power of Sharing Your Story
The statistics on porn use are staggering. It’s pretty safe to say that at least one in two American men, and a growing number of women, struggle with compulsive porn use. And it’s no wonder:…

From Isolation to Connection (Part 4)
In the previous posts in this series, we’ve looked at the epidemic of loneliness plaguing our culture, its causes, and its relation to pornography addiction. And truthfully, it hasn’t always been pleasant reading. Diagnosing a…

How Loneliness Fuels the Cycle of Porn Use (Part 3)
In the previous two posts of this series, we discussed the epidemic of loneliness, and how social isolation affects millions in America. We looked at the mounting body of research demonstrating how our isolation can…

Why Are We So Lonely? (Part 2)
The Andy Griffith Show is a classic American sitcom about a widower sheriff and his young son who live in the small, idyllic town of Mayberry, North Carolina. The show focuses on the colorful residents…

Porn and the Epidemic of Loneliness
As a young college student, I received an opportunity to participate in a pastoral internship at an inner-city church in a neighboring state. After arrival and a brief orientation, I was left on my own…
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