Lead your children into the light.
Help! My child is looking at porn.
We get it. Your child is looking at porn. You might be angry right now. There may be surges of guilt. You might just be confused that this could happen “to us.”
Distressing as it may feel, stay calm. These are not uncharted waters. The critical question is: Will you lead your family into the light?

“This isn’t a service that was designed to shame a person for their temptations, but a service that will allow trust to be built between a trusted person and someone who desires to have a covenant with God or within a relationship.”
~ Dollie
Covenant Eyes Parent
Let’s Do this Together
Digital Parenting With Confidence
Your family can navigate the digital world with integrity—even if they’ve already been exposed to pornography.
“My son was struggling with pornography. He’d found it when he was about 10 on his tablet, unbeknownst to me… There have been no issues since using the software. Thank you, Covenant Eyes.”
– Jonalee
Covenant Eyes Mom

“The sense of freedom that I felt in knowing that I was not bearing the load of my bondage to pornography alone was indescribable. I felt alive. And, through the continual grace of God, and the help and guidance of my parents, I experienced true victory.”
– Natalie
Covenant Eyes Child
“We have loved Covenant Eyes! It encouraged us to have many open honest conversations with family and with friends. It showed my son the dangers of porn and how addictive it is. It has been years since we have seen anything on his reports and we continue to talk openly.“
Covenant Eyes Parent

Lead your family toward lasting change
A Better Path Through the Digital World
Victory by Covenant Eyes provides clarity about the issue of pornography, helps you help your family move towards change, and connects you to each other through accountability.

Lead With Compassion and Curiosity
Your child needs your love right now more than ever. Responding with gracious questions—rather than accusations or judgement—will help them open up to you instead of clamming up.

Involve Them in the Solution
Children are more likely to embrace a collaborative solution, so whenever possible, ask them what they think would help them navigate technology with integrity.

Be a Safe Place
Kids have a lot of questions, and the online world is all too willing to provide answers. The best way to protect them is to make sure they feel safe talking with you about anything.
Are you ready to help your family commit to change?
Victory by Covenant Eyes provides accountability tools to support these relationships, and help you have life ‑changing conversations.
How Do I Engage My Kids?
Here are some initial steps to consider as you guide your family into wholeness when it comes to addressing pornography.
Stay Calm
Seriously: Don’t freak out. Wait for a right opportunity when you’re not in panic mode. You won’t get another chance to have the first talk and too many parents try to talk when emotions are high. Don’t do it.
Ask For Their Help
Whenever possible, invite your child into the solution. Any solution that is co-developed is going to be a solution that they are more likely to obey.
Close Digital Doors
Our friends at Protect Young Eyes recommend four layers of digital protection in any home.
Question: How do I know if my child’s pornography behavior is out of control?
Free In-App Course Content
How should I talk to my kids about porn?
This course will provide you with the confidence and knowledge you need to start the conversations at the right time, do it well, and help you keep the conversation going.

Free E-Book Resource
The internet brings many opportunities for education, entertainment, and communication, but it also comes with dangers that your children need to be prepared to handle.
Ready to Begin Your Journey?
Start your path to recovery today with Victory by Covenant Eyes. Download the app, set up your account, and connect with a supportive community for guidance and accountability.