Articles by Crystal Renaud-Day
Crystal Renaud Day is a pastoral counselor and certified coach with over a decade of experience working with women, couples, and teen girls. She holds a Master of Arts in Pastoral Counseling: Life Coaching from Liberty University. Crystal owns and operates Living on Purpose Coaching & Pastoral Counseling and is the founding director of (formerly Dirty Girls Ministries), an online ministry helping women overcome porn and sexual addiction. Her work has been featured in the New York Times, ABC News, CNN, Christianity Today, The 700 Club, and more. She has authored several books including 90 Days to Wholeness and Dating Done Right.

It’s Never Too Late to Quit Porn: Crystal’s Freedom Story
Go ahead and imagine yourself at the age of 10. Can you see yourself? Imagine for a moment that you are back in time as your 10-year-old self. What do you remember as your favorite…
Join over 1.7 million people who've used Covenant Eyes to experience victory over porn.