Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

How Long Will It Take My Spouse to Heal from My Betrayal?

In this article I will use the terms wife or she for the betrayed spouse because that is the focus of my work. However, the information applies regardless of whether the betrayer was the husband or wife. Several years ago I had a client come see me about her second…

Support Article

FAQ: What should I look for on my husband’s Accountability Report?

We hear it a lot. A husband and wife are trying to recover and rebuild trust after his porn use has been discovered. But they’re both new to this whole Internet accountability concept, and they both want to know: What’s reported? What isn’t? What should we watch for on the Accountability Reports?…

Blog Post

Closing the Window: Steps to Living Porn-Free (Book Review)

“The good news is that we can say to ourselves, ‘I don’t need to use porn, because God is bigger and better'”(p.65). That is the perspective of Tim Chester in Closing the Window: Steps to Living Porn-Free. If you know this struggle only too well, Chester will either give you…

Blog Post

5 Insights About Women and Pornography From Ashley Jameson

Ashley Jameson is the Associate Director of Women’s Groups for Pure Desire Ministries. Not only is she an expert in the field of sex addiction, but she has her own powerful story of overcoming addiction. Our podcast team sat down with Ashley to discuss important issues related to women and…

Blog Post

5 Motivations to Resist the Click

“When you guard your purity, you’re protecting a treasure, so apply yourself to its longevity the way you’d protect anything valuable. Recognize its worth. Work hard to keep it, and reject anything which threatens it.” –Joe Dallas To successfully resist the click, it is necessary to have more in place…

Last Updated: November 9, 2017 Emma Joy

Blog Post

It’s Never Too Late to Quit Porn: Crystal’s Freedom Story

Go ahead and imagine yourself at the age of 10. Can you see yourself? Imagine for a moment that you are back in time as your 10-year-old self. What do you remember as your favorite thing to do? Playing outside? Having sleepovers with friends? For this 10-year-old, one of her…

Blog Post

10 New Stats About Porn That Should Scare You

Research on pornography comes out every year, and 2014 was no exception. Overall, the trends were predictable: more people are watching porn, and more porn is available now than ever before. Still, when you drill into the details, we found some disturbing trends. Get all the sources for our statistics…

Blog Post

When Pastors Look at Porn . . .

People are watching more porn now than ever before . . . even pastors and ministers. How are denominations and church organizations dealing with this issue? The Assemblies of God actually has a formal list of guidelines in place for helping ministers who have a “moral failure involving pornography.” I…