Articles by Noah Filipiak
Noah Filipiak is a pastor and the author of Beyond the Battle: A Man's Guide to his Identity in Christ in an Oversexualized World (Zondervan). He also hosts The Flip Side Podcast. If you desire to be free from lust, porn, and fantasy, you can join Noah and his team in an online small group at Beyond the Battle, or get the leader guide to run your own group.

For Allies: How to Respond When Your Friend Looks at Porn
Brian hopped on his laptop to see if any grad schools had gotten back to him yet. He knew he had just sent out his transcripts an hour before, and he knew that clicking the…

Strength Is Found in Numbers: Pastor Noah’s Freedom Story
Continued from Part 2 of Noah’s story… I was hooked on porn as a Bible college student. I fell back into it in the first years of my marriage. I wanted to flee marriage and pursue a…

I Treated Sex Like a Vending Machine: Pastor Noah’s Story (Part 2)
Continued from Part 1 of Noah’s story… When I got married on June 19, 2004, I thought my sexual purity problems were in the rearview mirror for good. I had been porn-free for over two…

Good Kids Get Hooked on Porn Too: Pastor Noah’s Story (Part 1)
I’m 37. This is relevant because you can tell a lot about someone’s sexual purity story by how old they were in the mid-’90s, also known as when the internet became as common in households…

Accountability Is for the Weak
Accountability is for the weak. What does this phrase stir up in you? Do you agree or disagree? Are you weak or are you strong? Most of us, especially us guys, like to think of…

The Lies of Lust: Stolen Humanity
The Lust Trap is a web of lies. Lies that we believe. Lies that make promises that never deliver. This three-part series tackles three of these lies head on and provides each truth needed to…

The Lies of Lust: Fantasies That Won’t Satisfy
The Lust Trap is a web of lies. Lies that we believe. Lies that make promises that never deliver. This three part series tackles three of these lies head on and provides each truth needed…

The Lies of Lust: Promises That Never Deliver
The “Lust Trap” can reel you in anytime, anywhere. Its strong pull brings you in like a sci-fi tractor beam. The graphic imagery of Proverbs 7 describes it like an ox going to slaughter, a…

Behind Every Woman’s Body Is a Woman
When you look at pornography, what you end up seeing is a long line of naked bodies. When you look at pornography for years, you end up seeing years and years’ worth of long lines…
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