When you tackle a problem as serious as porn addiction, you want to make sure you have the best resources available. Thankfully, it’s no longer difficult to find plenty of offline and online help. Still, it can be overwhelming trying to figure out where to start.
Here’s a list of the different types of resources available, and the best of each kind. There’s a handy table of contents at the top so you can jump quickly to the section most relevant to your needs.
Educational Resources for Porn Addiction
Knowledge is power, especially when it comes to understanding the deep motivations and impulses behind a habit like pornography. Here are the best educational resources for understanding pornography addiction. If you don’t have a lot of time and want to get a quick overview of the subject, these articles can help.
Here are some of our top posts on pornography addiction.
What is Porn Addiction? This post is a general overview of the topic, some key terms and definitions, why it’s controversial, and where to go for more information and different subtopics.
Why is Porn so Addictive? This article was written to help people understand the roots of unwanted porn use, why change can be so difficult, and some of digital pornography’s unique characteristics.
5 Tips to Break Free From Porn Addiction. For someone struggling with porn, it can feel like an impossible fight. This blog offers practical advice for someone who’s getting serious about quitting.
Help For Porn Addicts. If you want to help a friend or loved one overcome pornography but don’t know where to start, this article is for you. It gives a brief overview and gives some actionable steps you can take.
How Long Does It Take to Recover From Porn Addiction? This article equips you to form a realistic timeline for overcoming porn.
10 Symptoms of Porn Addiction Withdrawal. withdrawal symptoms are often an unexpected obstacle to overcoming porn habits. This article lets people know what to expect and includes helpful tips for navigating withdrawal symptoms.
Podcasts can be a great way to go deeper into topics and hear a range of expert insights, opinions, and experiences. Porn addiction is no exception. There are now thousands of hours of discussion from leading experts on porn addiction and recovery. The Covenant Eyes Podcast for Ministry Leaders is one of the best around and has been among the topic podcasts in the Religion and Spirituality category. There are many others as well. Check out our article on Best Podcasts About Porn Addiction for more!
Over the years, Covenant Eyes has created dozens of ebooks that we make available completely free for anyone. These resources cover a range of topics and perspectives related to pornography addiction. Browse our selection of ebooks here.
When it comes to learning something new, some of us still like to crack open a book. There are plenty of great books on pornography addiction, and we’ve curated a list of the best ones to save you some time. Check out the Best Books on Pornography Addiction and Recovery.
For many, the variety of resources now available feels overwhelming. We get it. That’s why we created the Victory app. Victory takes the best from all the aforementioned educational resources, and distills the best information from these into digestible courses. Best of all, it’s completely free of charge.
Porn Addiction Resources by Demographic
Don’t care what the format is, you just want content made specifically for you? Here’s a list of resources sorted by demographic. Over the years, Covenant Eyes has created dozens of resources for men, women, churches, parents, and spouses.
For Men
Check out the Covenant Eyes support article on resources for men addicted to pornography.
For Women
Check out the Covenant Eyes support article on resources for women addicted to pornography.
For Churches
Tackling the issue of pornography in the church can be challenging. There are many different scenarios, whether teaching, counseling, or helping parents in your congregation. We created a whole website just for churches, packed full of help for pastors, ministry leaders, and concerned laypeople.
For Parents
We’ve created a series of three ebooks for parents. These ebooks walk parents through what they need to know about pornography, best practices for digital safety, as well as guidelines for having conversations about pornography. For a list of other resources, check out this short blog post.
For Spouses
Having a spouse who struggles with porn addiction can be a devastating experience. That’s why we create resources not only for those struggling with pornography addiction but also for their significant others.
Recovery Groups: What They Are And How To Get Involved
After helping people overcome pornography addiction for more than 20 years, we’ve learned some important lessons along the way. One of those lessons is this: pornography addiction thrives in isolation. When pornography is a secret habit surrounded by fear and shame, it has tremendous power to keep people trapped. However, when someone receives help from an understanding and supportive community, porn quickly loses its power. This is why porn recovery groups as so important.
The 12-step model for recovery (most famously used by Alcoholics Anonymous) works exceptionally well for men and women struggling with pornography. These Christian organizations take a similar approach, and offer local chapters in many areas as well as online groups:
Counseling and Therapy Options for Porn Addiction
This article contains important information and links about finding a counselor or therapist for porn addiction. It explains some of the different approaches to counseling, particularly among Christian counselors, so you can make the most informed choices. It also includes support groups and other organizations that provide help for individuals and couples.
Residential Treatment Programs
For someone deeply enmeshed in habitual porn consumption, a residential treatment program can be a great way to kickstart recovery. Two of these options are HopeQuest and Boulder Recovery.
Unfortunately, not every area has local options, so it’s not feasible for people in some locations.
Software for Porn Addiction
Want to take a technological approach to confronting porn? While our devices give unprecedented access to porn, there are also many wonderful software tools to help with recovery. With so many options, you’ll want to think through what features are most important before you decide.
We already mentioned the free Covenant Eyes Victory App. You can also check out our article, 4 Key Features of Great Porn Addiction Apps for more detailed information.
Covenant eyes is great, but I would have appreciated at least some semblance of a list under the “Software for Porn Addiction” section. The vagueness of there being “lots of options” felt a little inauthentic. Even if these other options are competitors to Covenant Eyes, what if they do a better job? Is that so bad?