Protect Your Kids
Your family is under attack online. Your kids are relying on you to protect them. It is not a matter of if, but when, your child sees pornography. Learn what safeguards to put in place and prepare yourself to have important conversations with your kids.
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How To Block Porn Sites
The amount of pornography available online can be disheartening. But here are some practical steps you can take to block porn sites on your computer or mobile device. Porn-blocking software makes it easier to block…
8 minute read
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Porn in High School: 6 Reasons It’s a Serious Problem
Sadly, most high school students will encounter porn before they graduate. While passing around sexy pictures in school is nothing new, the ubiquity of today’s porn—and its intensely graphic nature—is unique. If you pay attention…
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Recommended Reading

Protecting Minors and Their Families
This new resource is written to help pastors and church leaders. It reviews the basic stats about child porn use, but it also offers wisdom on reaching the family unit through church-wide initiatives, policies, and messaging.
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Social Media and the Slippery Slope
In 2024, the number of worldwide social media users passed 5 billion—over…
In 2024, the number of worldwide social media users passed 5 billion—over 60% of the world’s population. Some regions of the world, such as Northern Europe, 80% are using social media.1 Despite its popularity, and…
Christian Internet Filters
The internet is awash with pornography and other undesirable content. How can…
The internet is awash with pornography and other undesirable content. How can Christians engage with the digital world while protecting themselves and their families? If you’re a Christian, especially a Christian parent, you need to…
How To Block Porn Sites
The amount of pornography available online can be disheartening. But here are…
The amount of pornography available online can be disheartening. But here are some practical steps you can take to block porn sites on your computer or mobile device. Porn-blocking software makes it easier to block…
How Churches Can Rescue This Generation From Pornography
Culture is always changing. And there are things in our culture that…
Culture is always changing. And there are things in our culture that take us away from Christ. Every generation tends to feel doom and gloom at the rate of change. Ours is not different in…
5 Eye-Opening Revelations From 850 Scholarship Essays
Each year, Covenant Eyes holds a scholarship contest for current members who…
Each year, Covenant Eyes holds a scholarship contest for current members who are enrolled as full-time students. This year, we had over 850 applicants! These amazing students answered questions about integrity using today’s technology, their…
Why Parents Must Talk About Sex
When my son was sixteen, he attended a youth group meeting during…
When my son was sixteen, he attended a youth group meeting during which the male leader spoke with the guys about pornography and enumerated the ramifications porn could have on marriages and families. He learned…
Porn in High School: 6 Reasons It’s a Serious Problem
Sadly, most high school students will encounter porn before they graduate. While…
Sadly, most high school students will encounter porn before they graduate. While passing around sexy pictures in school is nothing new, the ubiquity of today’s porn—and its intensely graphic nature—is unique. If you pay attention…
Why Is My Router So Important?
“Help! I don’t understand my router!” Most parents freeze up when you…
“Help! I don’t understand my router!” Most parents freeze up when you ask them about their router. “Is that the same as a modem? Haven’t touched it since my internet provider gave us one last…
3 Ways to Help Young People Stop Coping With Porn
I grew up in a family that was disconnected emotionally and relationally.…
I grew up in a family that was disconnected emotionally and relationally. At an early age, I learned to hide what I was thinking and feeling from others. I felt that the challenges of each…
Porn Addiction Among College Students
When I moved out after high school and started attending a large,…
When I moved out after high school and started attending a large, public university, I quickly realized just how big of a problem porn is among college students. What surprised me even more was the…