Articles by Emma Joy
Emma Joy is a young adult who enjoys studying apologetic resources and learning about purity from a Biblical perspective. Her desire is that God would use her life and writings in a far reaching way to impact the lives of many. She writes about sexual sin and repentance (among other topics) on her personal blog.
The Worst Advice for Breaking a Porn Addiction
“Is the love of pleasure and amusement growing on you—gaining the power and authority over you? Is it dulling the keenness of your zest for spiritual pleasures? Is it making Bible study, prayer, communion with…
10 Truths Exceptional Parents Live By
Parents – Raising Kids is Hard. But all Good Things are Difficult. “Parenting is hard, but there are few things in life that rise to this level of importance. God has chosen parents to be…
Porn on the Brain? 3 Ways a New Hobby Can Improve Your Quality of Life
“We should treat our brains and souls with the same respect, at least, that we give a kitchen sponge. You wouldn’t put your sponge in the toilet and then use it to clean your dinner…
40 Practical Tips to Help You Quit Porn
“The power of porn may not just be its explicit content. It may also be its capacity to take the viewer into another world. Porn is a place where bodies and people are perfect, where imaginary…
5 Motivations to Resist the Click
“When you guard your purity, you’re protecting a treasure, so apply yourself to its longevity the way you’d protect anything valuable. Recognize its worth. Work hard to keep it, and reject anything which threatens it.”…
How to Steer Clear of Porn When Intimacy Is Lacking
“The ultimate pleasure you and I seek is intimacy, and the ultimate intimacy is with God.” –Ravi Zacharias A great need of the human heart is connection. We long to belong, to rest in the…
10 Lies Pop Culture Teaches About Sex
Right or wrong, our culture teaches us about sex. The media conducts sex education all the time.” –Stephen Witmer Pop culture is a powerful force in society, as it colors our views of social issues,…
6 Lessons on Relationships that Animated Movies Teach Your Kids
“The earliest messages are often the longest-lasting messages. Charles Spurgeon said that the voices of childhood echo throughout life so that ‘The first learned is generally the last forgotten.’ This can be a tremendous blessing…
How Any Dad Can Hurt His Kids Without Even Knowing
It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men. –Frederick Douglass Countless lives testify to this reality. Every child grows up in an environment that either fosters health and wholeness or takes…
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