Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

What You Need to Hear if Your Husband Betrayed You

As a counselor who specializes in sexual issues, I’ve heard from many wives with spouses who struggle with pornography. Their stories of courage fill my heart with gratitude for their resolve and strength. Their stories of pain and betrayal grip me and tear my heart in two. If you’ve experienced…

Blog Post

Quitting Porn Fast and Slow: Perspectives on Willpower 6

Have you ever felt like you have a split personality? You have the best intentions to get up early, work out, eat salad, and read good books. But when it comes right down to it, you end up sleeping in, lounging on the couch, eating pizza, and watching porn. It’s…

Blog Post

3 Keys To Making Accountability Work

Covenant Eyes serves many churches, missionary organizations, and other groups, and using accountability software on all devices can be very beneficial—but only when individuals are encouraged to have safe and personal friends or mentors receive their Covenant Eyes activity feed. Accountability gets a bad rap. The term is commonly used…

Blog Post

Book Review – I Surrender All: Rebuilding a Marriage Broken by Pornography

In his preface, Clay Crosse writes that he and his wife, Renee, pray that their book will be a message of warning and hope. Their prayers are answered. I Surrender All: Rebuilding a Marriage Broken by Pornography powerfully alerts “lukewarm Christians” about the imminent disaster that follows a dabbling in…

Blog Post

Porn and Anxiety: What Does Research Tell Us?

Is there a connection between watching porn and anxiety? Perhaps you’ve been experiencing anxiety and have wondered if it’s related to your porn habit. Maybe you’ve noticed a friend or loved one who seems especially anxious, and you’re concerned that porn might be causing it. Let’s take a look at…

Blog Post

Do you have the motivation it takes to quit porn?

“Quitting smoking is easy. I’ve done it a couple of dozen times,” captures well the pattern of trying to change any unwanted but enjoyable behavior. We want to, but we don’t. We’re motivated, but we’re not. We think we should, but wish people would just leave us alone. This mindset…

Blog Post

How Porn Ruins Sex Drive

Repeatedly viewing pornography can have a discernible effect on sex drive. When we train our minds on virtual sexuality, it is easy to lose interest in the real thing with our wives. Research shows how porn ruins sex drive: French neuroscientist Serge Stoleru reports on how overexposure to erotic stimuli…

Blog Post

Falling into Temptation vs. Running into Temptation

With pornography so easily accessible, and each of us with the option to walk this dark path, what’s to stop us from giving in the times we feel aroused or want to take our minds off of the current stress and difficulties we are facing in our lives? The plethora…

Blog Post

Stop Porn Culture: What teens are really watching when they go online

When it comes to understanding the messages embedded in pornography, there are few voices I appreciate more than Gail Dines. In this presentation, “Sex, Identity, and Intimacy in a Porn Culture,” Dines explains just how disturbing the porn industry has become and why its prevalence has brought about a global health…