Articles by Ella Hutchinson
Ella Hutchinson is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Certified Sex Addiction Therapist (CSAT) who is passionate about advocating for partners of sex addicts by helping them to find their voice. She served for three years as a founding board member of the Association for Partners of Sex Addicts Trauma Specialists (APSATS). Today, she proudly serves on the board of directors for the organization, Certified Sex Addiction Specialists-International (CSASI). Ella and her husband, Jeff, work together helping couples whose marriages have been invaded by sexual addiction.

Soul-Care For Wives of Porn Addicts
Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor: If either falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help…

Godly Self-Care: Crash the Crash
After the traumatic discovery of your partner’s sex addiction, you are likely to become consumed with your significant other. You suddenly feel very unsafe and feel like you don’t know this person with whom you…

Toxic Shame Has No Place in Marriage Restoration
In this article I will use female pronouns for the betrayed spouse and male pronouns for the addict, because that is the focus of my work. Also, parts of this article focus on unique ways…

If You Love Her, Tell Her the Truth
Consistently, wives of sex addicts share with me how the lies and secrets their husbands keep from them hurt more than the sexual acting out itself. I asked a few of these wives the question,…

Therapeutic Disclosure: How It Can Help Your Marriage Heal
What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You Imagine you go to the doctor and learn that you might have cancer. You are sent home and told to come back next week to find out. You don’t…

How Long Will It Take My Spouse to Heal from My Betrayal?
In this article I will use the terms wife or she for the betrayed spouse because that is the focus of my work. However, the information applies regardless of whether the betrayer was the husband…

How to Tell If Your Husband Is Really in Recovery
When a women discovers she is married to a sex addict, all trust is lost. She feels she doesn’t even know the man who shares her bed. Her entire marriage may feel like a lie.…

6 Ways to Raise a Sex Addict
In my seven years of counseling sex addicts and their wives, I’ve seen some common themes amongst the sex addicts’ families of origin. I’d like to share them with you today. Here are six ways…

Why is my husband so angry? It all comes down to shame. (Part 2)
Read Part 1 of “Why is my husband so angry? It all comes down to shame.” As a female sex addiction therapist I feel I am at a significant disadvantage. Sex addicts often started out…
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