Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

Should We Call It Porn Addiction or Something Else?

There’s a debate among medical professionals when it comes to the terms we use to describe problematic use of pornography. Should we call it porn addiction? Should we call it compulsive pornography use? Should we call it pornography dependence? Or something else? The debate is actually a fairly old one,…

Blog Post

Desperate for Change: A Marriage Redeemed from Porn Addiction

Covenant Eyes Radio – Episode 63 [display_podcast] Today we will be playing our conversation with James and Carolyn Cordrey. Nine and a half years into their marriage James confessed his struggle with pornography to Carolyn. Many years after this they look back on how God brought them through, bringing healing…

Blog Post

What Drives Porn Addiction? A Conversation in Biblical Counseling

Covenant Eyes Radio – Episode 49 [display_podcast] Today’s podcast is a part of my conversation with counselor Rick Thomas. Today Rick and I are talking about pornography addiction. Reflecting on my personal experience and past struggle with porn, Rick will help us unpack some of the reasons why many people…

Blog Post

Can the Husband of a Porn Addict Experience Betrayal Trauma?

Betrayal trauma affects many people, especially the spouses of porn addicts. We hear much about the betrayal trauma experienced by wives. Entire ministries have been organized to support wives of those struggling with pornography. But with upwards of one-third of women regularly viewing porn, it raises the question: do husbands…

Blog Post

Am I Addicted to Porn? 6 Symptoms of Porn Addiction

“Am I addicted to porn? I like porn, but feel like I can stop anytime, so am I addicted? What are the signs and symptoms of porn addiction? Many people who struggle with pornography use wonder if they might be addicted to it. Most porn addicts experience a predictable set…

Blog Post

3 Principles to Protect Your Kids from Porn Addiction

“The sins of a father are passed down to three of four generations ” (Exodus 20:5). We see this played out daily as porn or sex addiction often trickle down from our grandfathers to ourselves and eventually to our kids. But you can break the cycle. And when you set out to be…

Blog Post

Advice for Porn-Addict Recovery Groups: Avoid Struggle-Based Identity

If you have ever had a demonstrative struggle with pornography, at some point or another, you might be encouraged to join a group for men or women focused on helping one another with sexual issues. Here’s a critical question every group leader should ask: How can do you effectively run…

Blog Post

My Husband Watches Porn: Handling a Spouse’s Porn Addiction

If your husband watches porn, you’re not alone. Statistics show that MANY husbands are regularly watching pornography. Up to two-thirds of men, including married men, consume porn habitually.1 Read these comments on our blog: “I overheard my husband watching porn in the room, when I entered he hid his phone…

Blog Post

5 Tips to Break Free From Porn Addiction

The steps to break a porn addiction aren’t complicated, but can be difficult. Let’s find out why, and what you can do about it. According to the latest research compiled by Dr. John Foubert, “94% of men and 87% of women have seen pornography at some point in their lifetime.”1…