Articles by Matt Fradd
Matt Fradd is an author, speaker, and creator of the popular Pints with Aquinas podcast. He has spoken to millions around the world about the dangers of pornography and how to break free. He is the creator of STRIVE, a 21-day porn detox designed specifically for men. Matt lives in Florida with his wife and family.

The Health Benefits of Masturbation
I speak at a lot of conferences, and many in my audiences are young men in high school or college. When I talk about the negative impact of pornography and masturbation, it’s not uncommon for me to…

How NOT to Tell Your Spouse About Your Porn Addiction
If you’ve been dealing with a porn addiction for any amount of time, confessing it to your spouse can be a very difficult and overwhelming thing to do. The anticipation of their pain and their…

The Catholic Church and Porn: 4 Quick Insights From The Bishops’ Letter
In November 2015 the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) approved a formal statement titled, Create in Me a Clean Heart: A Pastoral Response to Pornography. This is a major statement on behalf of Catholic…

Is Naked Art a Form of Pornography?
I’m often asked, “What’s the difference between pornography and naked art?” Usually the person who asks this assumes there is no difference, and his question is intended to help me see that. This video offers the…
3-Decade-Old Porn Experiment Reveals Why We’re All Messed Up
One of the big problems with doing research about the effect of video pornography on people is it’s hard to find a control group. Not too long ago a researcher from the University of Montreal…

8 Reasons Cosmo Is Totally Wrong About Porn
Cosmopolitan magazine recently put out an article called “8 Reasons Watching Porn Doesn’t Make Him a Cheater.” Let’s look at their so-called reasons. Your web browser does not support iframes, which means that the video…

The Essential Reason Porn Is Wrong
Your web browser does not support iframes, which means that the video The Essential Reason Porn Is Wrong cannot play. Porn Is Wrong for Many Reasons There are many reasons why people say we should…

Big Fat Lie: Porn Empowers Women
Some believe pornography can actually be empowering for women. For instance, Betty Dodson has been an outspoken feminist leader since the 1970s. While she doesn’t think porn offers the best in sexual education and she would…

3 Ugly Facts About the Porn Industry
Why do women get into the porn industry? Dr. Sharon Mitchell co-founded the Adult Industry Medical Healthcare Foundation, also called AIM. For about 20 years she was a porn actress and director herself, and after…
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