Help Others Restore Integrity
Help Others Restore Integrity 1 minute read

Why Covenant Eyes is Priceless for Pastors (thoughts from a fellow pastor)

Last Updated: March 26, 2024

The following is a testimony from Justin Bleuer, pastor of Berean Bible Church. You can read more at his blog, Thoughts from a Pauper.

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justin-bleuerI am a pastor. I use Covenant Eyes Accountability software. I consider the small monthly cost to be worth its weight in gold. After all, my family, purity, and reputation are on the line.

Getting rid of the internet is often not an option for today’s pastors. Covenant Eyes provides the accountability that I want and need for my internet access. If anyone ever questions my Internet viewing, I can take them to an email folder and show them my weekly viewing logs for the past two years.

I use my laptop constantly. While I am searching the web, Covenant Eyes is working silently in the background. It records any questionable sites and sends the links to my accountability partners each week. Just the thought of other eyes seeing filthy sites is often enough to keep me from clicking. Peer pressure can be a very positive tool in our battle for purity!

Covenant Eyes helped me expose a seminary student struggling with porn. (Yes, you read that sentence right!) When I began Covenant Eyes, I was still in seminary. During chapel, another student found my laptop in a classroom and used it to access porn. Without Covenant Eyes, I would not have been able to bring this information to the attention of my Seminary Chaplain. Hopefully the student received the help he needed.

We have all heard of pastors and ministry leaders who fell into immorality. The waves of their sin often leave spiritual fallout that lasts for generations. I know people who walked away from the faith because their pastor just couldn’t resist.

How much is your reputation worth? Pastors know that without a good reputation – an effective ministry is more than difficult, it is impossible! Allow Covenant Eyes to help you guard your eyes, your family, your purity, and reputation. You’ll have eternity to be glad you did!

– Justin Bleuer

  1. Tom Tice

    The above testimony by Pastor Justin Bleuer is by my son-law and love. Our daughter and Justin are the most proactively purity concious couple that I have ever known, and God is Blessing them for it! I do pray for their purity and ministry and thank you for your part in helping Justin be accountable.

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