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Rebuild Your Marriage 7 minute read

Yes, Using Porn Is Cheating. Here’s Why.

Last Updated: January 12, 2024

Editor’s Note: The views expressed in this post do not reflect the official stance of Covenant Eyes. While recognizing the reality of brokenness caused by pornography, Covenant Eyes celebrates restored relationships whenever possible. We recommend our article 6 Powerful Stories of Marriages that Overcame Porn if you are looking for encouragement!

I’ve heard it said that there are men who don’t look at porn, and then there are men who are breathing. If recent surveys are any indication, porn use has become the norm among men, not the exception.

Still, I get a lot of questions from women who are feeling the heartbreaking impact of porn on their marriages. To them porn feels like cheating, and for good reason.

It is.

I understand why many don’t think this is true (reasons I’ll address below), but first, it is important that I define some terms.

By “using porn” I don’t mean merely seeing it. It’s hard not to walk about in public places or go online without seeing something that is at least meant to titillate the eyes of men. When I say “using” I mean intentionally taking porn in through one’s senses with the intention of being turned on and then, most likely, masturbating or at least getting sexually aroused.

By “cheating” I mean that using porn is breaking a vow—either implicitly or explicitly—made to one’s spouse. This is because marriage is, in part, about sexual exclusivity; it is about “forsaking all others.”

The Slippery Porn Slope

Take some steps with me down a morally slippery slope.

Step 1: Let’s say I were to visit a prostitute and have sex with her. That would be cheating on my wife. I assume no one would debate me on this point.

Step 2: However, let’s say that when I met with the prostitute we didn’t actually touch each other: I just watched her have sex with someone else while I masturbated in the same room. (Weird, I know. But just go with it.) Would that be cheating? Both in this case and in the previous case I am seeking the services of a prostituted woman for sexual pleasure—seeking out and enjoying the body of a woman who is not my wife in order to be sexually gratified.

Could a man rightly say, “Yes, I pleasured myself in front of a hooker, but we didn’t touch each other. I stayed faithful to you”? I don’t think so. The pretense of no physical contact doesn’t matter because the action still violates the spirit of sexual exclusivity.

Step 3: However, let’s say I didn’t visit the prostitute in person but only interacted with her online through erotic video chat. Let’s say I masturbated during the chat session while using the video image as the source of my fantasy. Is this cheating? Has the lack of physical proximity suddenly changed the situation that it is no longer breaking my marriage vow? I don’t think so.

Step 4: Now let’s say that instead of engaging in the video chat live, the prostitute recorded herself for me so I could masturbate at my convenience. Is this still cheating? Am I now suddenly remaining faithful to my marriage vows because someone hit the record button? No. That’s just stupid.

Step 5: Now let’s say the prostitute has a business card with a fancy title on it: “Pornographic Actress.” She even has a website with a resume listing of all the films she’s been in. Her pimp—I mean, agent—pays taxes and everything. Totally legit. Let’s say I reach out to this prostitute and pay her to view her recorded videos which she gladly sells me. Is this cheating? Does the change in title and the veneer of professionalism change the nature of the act? No.

Step 6: Now let’s say that this entire enterprise is industrialized so that this woman is part of a large network of other prostitutes who are doing the same thing. Much like walking into a brothel, I can pick the woman I want when I want, pay my fee, and enjoy her body for my lustful purposes. Is this cheating? What about the industrialized nature of the product changes the nature of the act? Nothing.

And on this last step we have arrived at what the modern porn industry is. This is why using pornography is cheating. It is engagement with a digital prostitute despite one’s vow to forsake all others.

Hold On, I’m Not Convinced.

I can hear the screeching of mental breaks right about now. Many are thinking, “Wait a second. Something major has shifted between the first scenario and the last. No one sees porn as digital prostitution. If this was the way our culture understood porn, it might be one thing. But very few people who watch porn go online thinking, ‘I can’t wait to get sexual gratification from a digital prostitute.'”

This is a good objection. After all, motive and intention count for something when it comes to the promises or vows we make. If I sign a contract saying I will not share proprietary information from my employer, but then forward a work e-mail along to a friend, not knowing it counts as “proprietary,” I’m not guilty of intentionally breaking my promise (even if my employer has grounds to fire me). Someone who uses porn might think along the same lines: “I’m just watching video clips made by actors and actresses, not intentionally seeking digital interactions with a prostitute.”

I agree, but motives only carry some of the weight when it comes to our moral decisions. The above slippery slope is not as much about motives as it is about the nature of the actions. Behind the making of pornography are real people really selling themselves for the sexual gratification of viewers. The medium doesn’t change the fact that a prostituted woman was used for her body and sex appeal, no matter the viewer’s understanding of the act.

This is why so many women say using porn feels like cheating: the act of seeking out another woman for sexual pleasure—even if she is hidden behind a veil of pixels and a sleazy acting agency—is not a movement towards faithfulness, but away from it.

[Tweet “Seeking out porn is engagement with a digital prostitute. #pornischeating”]

Why Cheating Matters (and Why It Doesn’t)

However, by saying that using porn is breaking a marriage vow, I am not prescribing a specific reaction we should have to it. The six-step slippery slope presents six different scenarios, each having their own gravity of offense. They may all be cheating, but they all show different levels of intensity.

We need to turn the tables on those who ask, “Is using porn cheating?” and address why it matters.

  • For some, when they ask, “Is using porn cheating?” they bring a lot of baggage with the question. They think, “Since porn is cheating, I can never forgive you.” “Since porn is cheating, I have grounds to divorce you—and I will.” “Since porn is cheating, I will lash out and cheat on you.” These dispositions are, quite frankly, completely separate issues to address. To say a man has broken his marriage vow by seeking out porn is one thing. To say that he cannot be forgiven, that he should be divorced, or that he deserves revenge are other matters altogether.
  • For others, when they ask, “Is using porn cheating?” they simply want their spouse to know that when they said, “I do,” they expected a spirit of monogamy. Yes, the world is full of sexual temptations. Yes, they know their spouse is full of hormones and attracted to other people walking about in the world. But they expected to be the focus of their spouse’s sexual energy, attention, and devotion. When they vowed to “forsake all others,” that is what they promised and what they expected in return.

The Heart of the Matter

Two facts lie at the heart of the issue.

First, people often desire the perks of marriage, but marriage vows are not taken seriously. As such, we find ourselves straddling two worlds. In one world, we embrace an idyllic picture of finding “the one,” growing old together, loving and serving another person until death we do part. In the other world, we enjoy the convenience and self-centeredness of solo-sex in front of the computer screen. These two worlds mix like oil and water in our miry hearts. Before long, you will either have to abandon pornography or abandon a genuine spirit of monogamy.

Second, people have been blinded by the sense of distance the digital world places between ourselves and the real world. We believe something doesn’t count as much if it is “online” or “on television” or “just fantasy.” We rename offenses: stealing becomes downloading, cruelty becomes speaking one’s mind, and exploitation becomes entertainment. We have settled for what Chris Hedges calls an empire of illusion. “Pornography does not promote sex, if one defines sex as a shared act between two partners. It promotes masturbation,” Hedges writes. “It promotes the solitary auto-arousal that precludes intimacy and love. Pornography is about getting yourself off at someone else’s expense.”

So, He’s Cheating. Now What?

If your husband (or wife) is engrossed in porn, you are right to feel like this is cheating. He is defrauding you of something that should be your exclusive domain. You are not a prude for thinking this. You just take your vows seriously, as everyone should.

But where do you go from here? Start by getting educated about the addictive nature of pornography and the steps other couples have taken to take a new direction. Read, “6 Common Questions Asked By Wives of Porn Addicts.”

  1. BouyCourt

    The problem was never that he was into porn but for the fact that he started looking for the local ones to meet in person is what baffles me.
    Whenever I confront him about his way about, he kept mumbling and saying he went to gym blah blah blah. Hiring a haker was the best part of it because it was never something he saw coming. Hackers will surly reveal what is hidden as long as it is a mobile device. You can find more for yourself on deep web. You should be able to hire more hakers for yourself.

  2. Your site is titled “Covenant Eyes.” That says it all to me.
    My marriage was ruined and corrupted by my spouse secretly looking at
    pornography on the internet. We women are not “sex toys” and we should not
    be considered “sex objects” either. We were created in God’s image also.
    As Christians we need “Covenant Eyes” because God sees everything we do.
    Nothing is hidden from God’s sight. He needs to be feared. Sexual sins are more serious because we are the temple of the Holy Spirit and the Bible says
    sexual sins are against the body and carry more consequences. Mrs Beaver

  3. Me

    All I am going to say is, if he would rather watch some other women naked and having sex while he Jack’s off than to be with me sexually, then he can get those women to cook his food, wash his dishes, do his paperwork, and rub his back..and all the other million things I do…. cause I am not about to live in a situation where I give all the benefits of a relationship, and get none of the sexual gratification, and feel unworthy of his sexual gratification.

    • Sonja

      The prostitute explanation you have doesn’t work.

      That aside… if your man would rather beat his meat to something digital than have sex with you, you either aren’t actively engaged in your patnership or he’s just a horndog and it’s too much for you to handle meeting his needs. Everyone has a different sex drive, if I come home from work and don’t feel like sex and my SO wants it but I have no energy, it is not cheating (TO ME) if they go find release through pornography, CAN’T GET STDs from that!

      Maybe try sharing in said pornography when you’re both in the mood instead of getting bent out of shape? I’d rather have a spouse that masturbates and makes loves to me exclusively than one that goes out and REALLY cheats.

      My two cents. Stop making this more complicated than it needs to be.

  4. Kin Rocker

    The slippery slope is yours and it stops at Step 2 which is NOT cheating, from then on your entire logic chain collapses.

    Stop blaming porn if you’re not satisfied with what you have. By all means, confine yourself however you see fit, but don’t blame porn.

  5. Jae Allen

    I think porn is sinful and displeases God, but I don’t think it’s cheating. Yes, porn obliterates trust in relationships, destroys the brains of those who watch it, and sets unrealistic sexual expectations, but that doesn’t make it cheating, it makes it a sin.

    For one, porn is a much broader category than just watching two people have sex, like you (author) build your argument on. Would masturbating while looking at a picture of a topless women count as porn?… what about while listening to the sound of a woman having an orgasm (with no video at all), or watching a video of a woman who’s fully clothed vacuuming their house while in yoga pants? None of these scenarios have to do with people having sex but certainly fall into some pornographic category. At some point you have to broaden the category of porn so widely that the category itself simply disintegrates and gets absorbed into the bigger category of “lust”. So the real question then becomes, “Is lust cheating?” and I think the answer is still no.

    If it were, I think it would have been mentioned is at some point in the Bible.

    (And no, I don’t think Matthew 5:28 is saying that lusting after a women is ACTUALLY committing adultery. If so, then Matthew 5:22 is ACTUALLY saying that anyone with anger toward someone has ACTUALLY committed murder, or that anyone who has called someone a fool is ACTUALLY going to hell for doing so. I’ve ever heard anyone going to prison for committing murder because they were angry. So then why do we cherry-pick this one out of the list and apply meaning to it that we don’t to the others in the same passage?)

    I also realize that it’s uncomfortable for non-porn users to admit this, but even they are guilty of committing adultery if we apply the standard in Matt 5:28 as I think Jesus was intending. Is there anyone who hasn’t lusted after another person? If we’re honest with ourselves, then nobody really escapes this passage without having to own the truth that they really can’t be righteous enough without a Savior. THAT is the point.

    I also realize that you’re on the payroll of a company that makes money by ensuring that everyone believes that porn is cheating and that your product keeps men from cheating… which probably makes it hard to see it from any other view than the one you are arguing about.

  6. John

    My wife saw that I had visited a porn site on my phone. Now she’s devastated. She absolutely believes I have cheated on her even though I have never touched another woman, communicated with another woman in a sexual way in any shape or form. I can’t deny that it was selfish of me to seek instant gratification but I do love my wife and it kills me that my inappropriate behavior has caused her such pain.

    The hardest part is that I’ve never felt like viewing porn and masturbating was an act of infidelity. Yes I would view porn, became aroused and copulated. Usually within a very short period of time. But I never desired the women in the videos or wished to be a participant. Yes watching was arousing and I was lustful. Not for the characters in the videos but for the ultimate goal which was to achieve an orgasm. The act in itself provided a temporary relief but I still want my wife and would never deny her. Unfortunately she thinks otherwise and that I’ve used myself up and have nothing left for her.

    Now my wife believes that every waking moment I’m thinking about porn. When we make love she thinks I’m fantasizing about that as well. She also thinks that I don’t find her attractive anymore which is far from the truth. My wife is a beautiful and amazing woman. I can’t even begin to express the shear bliss of making love with her.

    I pray that we can overcome this and that I can be the husband she thought I was. Unfortunately at this time I have defiantly fallen from grace and may never find forgiveness. I will continue to repent and do my best to prove my love. God willing we will prevail and our love will only become stronger. In any case I have to live with the consequences of my actions no matter how painful and try to be the best husband I can.

    • February

      February Dec 11 2020

      I just wrote of this. Nice to hear a males perspective seeings how I feel EXACTLY the same as your wife.

    • lluvia

      hi,….2 questions
      why did you visit that site?
      why did you do sneaky?

  7. Lou Cipher

    This gave me a great laugh. Thank you

  8. Nikki C

    Just discovered last night that my partner has been visiting porn sites & interacting with live women on these sites. I’m devastated. I’m 43 & I’ve been really struggling with myself as far as aging & physical changes. We have talked about porn & I’ve always asked him to talk to me if he ever felt like he wanted to partake in that. It’s my opinion that if he needs to look at another woman for sexual pleasure then he’s not fulfilled with me. He has always said stuff like, “Baby I don’t need that stuff. All I have to do is think about you.” Clearly I don’t do it for him anymore. That’s crushed me more than anything. I looked at myself in the mirror this morning & my first thought was, “No wonder he wants to look at someone else.” I’m extremely depressed…deeply hurting. Why can’t I be enough for him? Please help me.

    • Kay Bruner

      Your partner’s choices belong to him. Aging is normal, physical changes are normal: I bet he has them too, only you don’t turn to other men, do you? Nope! Our culture has taught men that they are allowed to objectify women and use them for their own gratification, and it has taught women that when this happens, it is their fault. This is a bunch of bullhockey.

      The real question is: why can’t he be enough for himself? Why can’t he take responsibility for himself and live within the values he assented to in your relationship together?

      Your worth is not contingent upon his choices! You are a valuable person, whether or not he ever chooses to stop objectifying women and live up to his promises.

      Those are his problems to deal with.

      Your responsibility here is to (1) stop taking responsbility for his choices and (2) choose healthy boundaries for yourself. Here, here, and here are some articles to help you get started on boundaries. You might also want to find a therapist, just for you, who can help you process your own value and support you in your healthy boundaries. Online, you’ll find great support and resources at Bloom for Women.

      Whatever your partner chooses, you can choose to to be healthy and whole.

  9. Just my thoughts

    I have to say, I disagree with the notion that ‘porn is cheating’. Now hear me out first:
    When you’re watching porn, you’re getting off to a person/people who don’t know you exist. Yes, you are watching someone and getting sexual pleasure out of it, but what’s the real difference between watching porn and masturbating to it, and fantasizing about your hot co-worker and masturbating to that fantasy? Would you say that touching yourself to the thought of anyone but your spouse counts as cheating? I don’t really see the difference.
    In my opinion, it takes two to cheat. If you were messaging the porn star, telling them about your desire for them, then yes, that would constitute cheating. In that case, you’re seeking to engage in sexual contact with someone outside your marriage (even if that contact is purely virtual). It would be the same if you told your co-worker about your crush on and fantasies about them.
    I don’t really see how you can cheat on your spouse with someone who doesn’t even know you exist and who has never talked to you.

  10. Jenn B

    If I was being paid to be filmed in a sexual manner so a million people could watch and masturbate, I’m sure there’d be no argument about my intentions and people wound not hesitate to support my partner leaving me. Come on people, why are we having this discussion? It’s not that complicated.

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