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6 Common Questions Asked By Wives of Porn Addicts

Last Updated: February 29, 2024

The following is an excerpt from our free e-book, Porn and Your Husband: A Recovery Guide for Wives.

Why does he look at porn?

There are a few things you need to understand about your husband’s heart and his use of porn. The first is simply that men are visually stimulated in a way most women are not. Men like to look at naked women, and pornography offers unlimited access. Pornography also offers a fantasy world where they can imagine themselves being desired by eager and seductive women. Over time, as he watches more porn, his virtual harem can seem more appealing than face-to-face intimacy with his wife.

Psychological scars frequently contribute as well. Many men struggling with pornography use were exposed to it at a young age. For example, men often report having stumbled across a copy of Playboy in their father’s dresser. With the advent of the Internet, more men than ever before were exposed to porn as children. One study reports that 93% of boys are exposed to Internet porn before the age of 18. This early exposure almost inevitably leads to a struggle with pornography into adulthood.

It’s also possible that your husband is experiencing what Mark W. Gaither of Redemptive Heart Ministries describes as a sense of “toxic shame,” or the belief that he is horribly broken and beyond hope. (Normal shame, on the other hand, is the sense that he has done something wrong that has broken your relationship.) He may think he is unlovable, and fear that if he allows you to draw close, you will notice his flaws and lose respect for him. Rather than run this risk, he may have turned to the always-willing, always-happy girls of porn. Retreating to pornography can then make him feel even more of a failure, feeding into his toxic shame, and causing the cycle to continue. Eventually he builds up internal defenses to justify his use to the point that he no longer notices the shame.

There are likely other contributing factors (including in some cases sexual abuse as a child). A counselor will be able to help him identify and work through these. What you need to remember is that your husband would struggle with pornography regardless of whom he married. His use of pornography is not your fault.

How can he watch porn and say he loves me?

Compartmentalization comes more naturally to men than women. To him, different parts of life—work, you and your children, his hobbies—don’t necessarily interact. He may believe that viewing pornography in secret protects you from the consequences of his actions. He might even rationalize that hiding his actions or lying about it is the best way to love you in the midst of a bad situation.

As you recover, he will need to learn that this is not true.

Why does he prefer porn to sex with me?

Some men seem to prefer looking at pornography to intimacy with their wives. There are a few reasons for this. First, men crave respect and measure their own worth in terms of adequacy. Sometimes they fear really being known because it will result in you discovering his defects. Because of this, at the beginning of your relationship he may have overemphasized just sex instead of focusing on intimacy. For the same reason, porn and masturbation feel like safer alternatives to him. Even if you’ve made yourself sexually available to him, he knows that porn girls will never say “No”—never discover his inadequacies—and he never has to worry about meeting their needs.

There’s a neurological side as well. Pornography rewires the brain, training him to desire the hormonal rush from porn instead of sex with you. The chemical vasopressin, which is released during the sexual act, bonds the man to his sexual partner. With repeated pornography use, he is bonding himself to images on a screen. Given that many men were exposed to pornography during childhood, he may have chemically bonded with the women of pornography long before you entered the picture.

Some men become so dependent on porn that it becomes a behavioral addiction. Much like a drug addict, men entrenched in pornography will do anything for their fix, including sacrificing what should be most dear to them.

Read the e-book Your Brain on Porn for more details about how pornography has rewired your husband’s brain.

Keep in mind that not all men show this symptom of addiction. A man might regularly use pornography and often pursue sex with his wife.

Why am I not enough?

During sex, natural opiates are released, along with dopamine, creating a pleasurable experience. However, repeated stimulation, particularly through porn and masturbation, eventually builds up a resistance. It’s like a drug; the more he gets, the more he needs.

In simple terms, you’re “not enough” because his repeated porn use has vastly accelerated his tolerance for these chemical rushes, far beyond the levels of monogamous sex with you. In particular, pornography has trained him to be turned on by variety, which no single woman can provide. It also explains why he may have turned to harder porn or acted out through an affair—he’s looking for the rush that you, through no fault of your own, can never provide.

Is this my fault?

Often men have the tendency to blame-shift, claiming that if you were prettier or thinner or more open to sex or less of a nag, that they wouldn’t need to turn to the fantasy that pornography provides. Even if men don’t say these things, their wives will often wonder such things about themselves. Often wives will tie their own self-worth to their husbands’ opinions of them. A drop in self- esteem is common after a betrayal.

If your husband is telling you such things, he is trying to rationalize and justify his desire for porn by shifting the blame to you. By blaming you, he protects himself from shame and avoids any suggestion he is not adequate. If he is not ready to take responsibility for his own behavior, “he will say anything to convince you, and even himself, that he does not have a problem. Blaming you is an easy way to save face,” explains Ella Hutchinson.

You could be the most beautiful, supportive woman in the world and he’d still turn to porn. Remember, even Tiger Woods cheated on his supermodel wife.

Is this it for our marriage?

Unfortunately, many marriages never recover. A survey from the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers states that 56% of divorce cases involve one party having “an obsessive interest in pornographic websites.”

However, countless marriages have recovered in spite of the husband’s use of pornography, or even adultery. This will require significant work from both you and your husband. You will need to set boundaries that will reestablish your sense of safety and security during this time. When he violates one of these boundaries, be prepared to follow through on the consequences you have promised. You will also need to seek counseling and support to help you recover from the trauma his actions have caused to your marriage. Your husband will need to take whatever steps necessary to break free from pornography. This will likely involve putting Internet accountability software on his computer and smartphone, as well as seeking counseling and personal support for himself.

Photo credit: james_sickmind

  1. My boyfriend watches porn. He says every man does it and it is none of business. He goes to shower at the shower room at the campground and is gone awhile. I found rings and other sexual things in his shower bag. He denies anything is going on. He has everything blocked bow on his phone but I know he is still doing it. I wake up in the night and he is naked and hides his phone and soon as i come out. I feel worthless and I’m very depressed. I know something more is going on and he had an app to decipher Spanish language. I have lost trust and want to die. Just beside myself and know deep down it is not going to end.

    • Kay Bruner

      Hey Teresa,

      Of course you don’t trust him: he’s not trustworthy. He lies, he hides things, he’s not interested in being honest with you.

      Here’s the thing, though: this is absolutely NOT about your worth. This is NOT about you. Those are his choices, compeletely outside of you.

      You have the opportunity to make your own choices, and there is absolutely no reason for you to stay in a relationship that makes you feel depressed and worthless, like you want to die. Please create a life that is reflective of your worth and value. Surround yourself with people who will treat you with respect and care. I guarantee you will feel 100% better when you’re not surrounded by toxicity!


    • Moriah Dufrin


      Your struggles are real, and you are not alone. Please know that your life IS worth living, and if you continue to feel like you just want to die, I would encourage you to call the National Suicide Prevention Line: 1-800-273-8255.

      I am praying for you.

  2. Patti Jo Bartley

    Sometimes it finally breaks you. 33 years of marriage and 33 years of hiding porn. I am beyond exhausted, sad and empty. I can’t do this anymore. I have to be more important than his addiction.

  3. John Marsh

    I’d like to confess something here, I do watch porn, my girlfriend found out and dumped me….even though we were engaged…..I’m trying anything I am to make up for it…I honestly didn’t know watching porn was classed as cheating. I mean, I used to watch scrubs, it doesn’t make me a doctor does it ?
    I just had the porn to entertain myself when I needed to be up early for work, because I couldn’t stay at my girlfriends place…

    • Moriah Dufrin

      Hi John!

      I would encourage you to read our blog post: “Yes, Using Porn Is Cheating. Here’s Why.” It provides great insight into the heart of the issue, and I pray that you find wisdom in it. Blessings!


  4. Anonymous

    I’m a man. I struggle. I know it’s wrong. I’ve read pretty much everything on this site, in the literature, and pain and hurt from women. Wow. Let me just: the bottom line is – I, we, have to trust and believe in the word of God. If we do, we should be striving for freedom from sin, sexuality monogamy and purity, and if possible compassion and forgiveness. Easier said than done. I have excuses just like many others have. Sin is sin. I’m reading all this and commenting right now because I feel God’s tug to break me Free. Truth is: it did start when I was a kid. My dad and step dad both left porn magazines and videos that I found. I was allowed to watch inappropriate movies. I was a victim of childhood abuse. I even exercised some acts as a child with other children. The hole and bondage is deep. I have sought long thorough counseling. I am in accountability daily… but still struggle. Should I be alone?? I don’t know. I respect women. I repent when I fall short. I take care of my family … but I hate my sin. So no it is not easy.

  5. Joan

    So my boyfriend for about two years now has always watched porn since he was a teen, I’m eighteen years old and feel as if he is cheating on me, my parents tell me its normal but I feel as if it is wrong. He told me what he was into because I asked and I’ve seen it on his phone but I feel as if I’m not good enough anymore. These girls are skinner and prettier than me and he watches them to please himself, is this cheating? I just want to be over but I’m so in love with him and I thought he was the one and he tells me I’m good enough and that I am beautiful but still makes the same choices of lying to my face and watching porn behind my back, even at work. Should we see a counselor or something because I don’t want to lose him:(

    • Kay Bruner

      It really doesn’t matter if it’s “cheating” or not. It really doesn’t matter what your parents think is normal, or what your BF thinks is normal.


      Is this the kind of relationship you want to be a part of, where your partner refuses to change a behavior that makes you feel degraded and unwanted?

      Please let yourself be willing to lose a person who disrespects your wishes. It may be painful at the time, but I promise you that if he is unwilling to listen to your needs now, time will only make this worse. He cares more about a habit than he cares about you. Let yourself decide if this is the kind of relationship you want or not.

      Here’s my best advice to you as a counselor: choose the boundaries that are right for you. State them clearly to your boyfriend, to your parents, to anyone else you’re in relationship with. Hereis an article on boundaries that should help.

      If you want to see a counselor, I’m all for it, but make it because you want to be healthy and whole, not because you’re trying to convince someone else that you’re worthy of his attention.


      If he doesn’t see that, it’s his loss.

      Peace to you,

  6. Dori S

    My husband has started watching porn. His mistake is we have to computers and he downloads the pictures into his. I have confronted him on this issue. He wants me to wear pantyhose in order to have sex. I am a slightly overweight and they are uncomfortable. This is the 2nd marriage to this man. I honestly thought when he said he would never hurt me and wanted me to be happy, he meant it. Discovering this porn thing blows my mind. It hurts horribly. I am not sure I want to continue with this relationship with me.. I have been through enough with him. Right now I am like Pauline and planning on how I can get out of this marriage without loosing myself and everything I have. I am almost to the point that loosing everything would be better than putting up with the hurt I feel. Sorry to all that have experienced this. As long as internet is available and these men think its okay.. It will never stop.

    • Kay Bruner

      It’s so, so, so important that women learn exactly what you’re saying here, Dori! Healthy boundaries! It’s absolutely vital to ask whether it is worth remaining in a relationship with someone who won’t do their own emotional work. Here, here, and here are some articles on that. Thank you for bringing up this crucial question. Kay

  7. Samantha Andrews

    I caught out my husband who has been watching porn behind my back whilst I was pregnant and when our baby was born. I’m disgusted and wish I could leave him. He has no respect for me and completely broke our vows and trust. But for the baby’s sake I’m staying with him. But I will never love him or trust him again. He’s not the man I thought he was

    • Chris McKenna

      Hi, Samantha, I’m so sorry this is happening. It’s critical for you to find the healing your heart needs. Is redemption possible? It’s a question for you to answer. Is a fresh start possible for both of you? Is forgiveness a possibility? These are your questions. I wish you well as you wrestle with the answers.


  8. Pauline Topley

    Thank you for the articles, I found them very helpful. When I divorced many years ago, though it wasn’t my fault the church made me feel like a ‘scarlet woman’. I had guilt issues for years. My 2 grown up Christian children think I should leave. I don’t want to do wrong, but think I am right to leave and am planning my ‘escape’. Thank you.

  9. Pauline Topley

    My mind is in turmoil. i have been married 4 times, not as bad as it sounds, i was divorced from an abusive man when I was young. Then i have been happily married twice since, but both husbands died. i married again 4 years ago. There has been little sex between us.I have never refused him, I like sex. My husband has become more and more distant, there is no affection, intimacy and sex once in 5 months. That felt mechanical. He never looks at me when I am naked even just before sex. He keeps his eyes shut. I feel he can’t bear the sight of me.He says he loves me, but they seem like empty words to me. He sometimes gives me back-handed compliments that sound like disguised insults. He is forever talking about faithfulness and other people’s sex lives, but won’t discuss our own. He told me he has seen a lot of porn in his life, and that it is just like little boys playing with their toys, and that women should realize this. He said he has fantasies about having sex with many different women and that any doctor would tell me it is very healthy. When I was upset he got cross.Some time ago I found out he was watching porn. When I confronted him he said I wasn’t giving him sex, but it was him who was withholding from me. He said he doesn’t masturbate or even get an erection when watching porn but he pays for it, why pay for something that has no effect. He has little money. I just don’t believe him.

    Recently I have realized there is more to it. I was looking up why men don’t want sex with their wives and mention of a website called Adultwork came up. Lots of wives were very upset because their husband were on there. I remembered that was one my husband had signed up for and paid. I had a look at it yuk!! It is not a porn site as he had told me it was, it is an escort site. At the time he said he had only looked a some photos and a video, but the photos and videos on there are ‘escorts’ advertising their ‘wares’. It is like an on-line brothel, full of prostitutes and webcam girls, plus phone sex. The photos are absolutely filthy and they are the ones you don’t pay for. I don’t know what to believe, I think he would have the webcam (cyber) sex. The porn was bad enough but I forgave him and tried to live with it but never trusted him again. Now I know it was this site and at least another similar one, I am devastated. Do you think he could be on these sites for just porn or is it more. I’m sure there are many ‘ordinary’ porn sites out there. I found out he had signed up and paid because I saw emails from them sending him a new password and receipts for his payments. I don’t know it he is still doing this. After I found out he hides things. He has always been secretive but calls it privacy. We don’t live together and I am not allowed at his house without an appointment. I turned up one day and he was angry. He said I had no right to do that. I have never seen his computer. He spends little time with me, and when he comes here or we go out he is always 2-3 hours late. I pray to know the truth of it all. Sometimes I feel guilty that maybe I am thinking he is doing things he isn’t, but then he has done them since we have been married, and I feel he has broken his vows.

    I haven’t spoken to him yet about the fact that I found out it is escort sites, but intend to. He could well get angry and blame me and I must be prepared for that. I feel I am going crazy. Why do you think he would go on escort sites?

    • Kay Bruner

      I think he would go on escort sites to seek out sex with other women.

      Is this the kind of marriage you want to have? If so, stay and enjoy. If not, it’s okay to go. He has already broken the marriage vows. Your leaving isn’t breaking this relationship, it’s just being honest about the fact that it’s already broken. Here and here are some articles that might help.

      Decide what’s healthy for you, and take action accordingly.


  10. Katie

    Don’t know where to turn too so I ended up on this site.. I am a rape victim and have been dating my boyfriend of almost 2 years now, we have lived together and contestantly together. He is my best friend and only family, he had been drinking with friends and came into the room when I was half asleep and hoping he would cuddle me and hold me. He had Layed down right next to me and heard him on his phone, I would move a little to let him know I was awake because I had a bad feeling in my stomach. He eventually after 10 minutes got up to plug his phone in and the cord was literally over my face and woke me up and I turned over and he jumped and put his phone down and tried to cover it up and lied to me so many times until I had tod how him what he was watching. He had a boner and was watching pretty hard porn, it broke my heart instantly. He would always say how he would never do that to me or be that guy. It hurts on deeper levels for me since the rape and how much we love each other. I feel so hurt and broken. and he is so defensive and doesn’t get it

    • Kay Bruner

      Hi Katie,

      I’m so sorry for the pain you’re experiencing in this relationship. A good counselor, experienced in treating trauma, could help you with processing your emotions and considering healthy boundaries in this relationship. (Here and here are articles on boundaries.) A good counselor should also be able to help your boyfriend understand how his choices impact you, and how you can relate to each other in emotionally healthy ways going forward.

      Peace to you,

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