Covenant Eyes Radio – Episode 99
Please note: The subject matter on today’s podcast is not suitable for some audiences due to graphic descriptions of sexuality and violence. Listener discretion is advised.
Since the 1950s, sexualized media and pornography have slowly entered the mainstream of American culture. While consuming pornography has been portrayed in popular media as sexually healthy, many doctors and researchers are unconvinced.
Today, we speak with Dr. Judith Reisman, former president of The Institute for Media Education. Dr. Reisman has been a consultant to four U.S. Department of Justice administrations, the Department of Education, as well as the Department of Health and Human Services.
She speaks with us about the medical evidence for how pornography actually causes impotence, not sexual liberation. She also talks about the history of the massive “sexual industrial complex” in America, detailing some of the dark and disturbing history behind the pioneers of sexology research, namely Alfred Kinsey.
Music for today’s podcast is “It’s Slavery” by Ten Shekel Shirt.
Listen to more Covenant Eyes Radio on iTunes.
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Learn More:
- Visit to read her white papers and articles.
- Read Dr. Reisman’s new book, Sexual Sabotage: How One Mad Scientist Unleashed a Plague of Corruption and Contagion on America.
- Read: “How Porn Ruins Sex Drive“
I was abused as a child. I have had to deal with the emotional consequences as well as my own sexual deviance as a result of the abnormal use of authority and privilege as well as my body. The process is constant and you can never relax the strain it takes on every part of your existence.
I have had to deal with many consequences – some who affect loved ones, my financial outlook, my health … I am not making excuses and shrugging off responsibility, I hope to just state that people who abuse others leave an indelible mark on those whom have suffered under them in every area of their existence; and that makes life a little bit tougher to cope with than what should be normal pressures.
Finally – abuse is a generational occurence. Not genealogically necessarily, but abusers create/reproduce abusers. It must have started somewhere with someone. If we can prevent abuse in this generation, the next may have less of it and so on …..
@James – Thanks for sharing some of your story with us. More and more we are hearing about how prevalent child abuse is and how it can really cause great problems later on. It saddens me to hear your story and the stories of others who have commented here.
Thank you so much for this ! Excellent interview!