I just finished reading an email from Pastor Jim R. Glynn, the president of Heart of God Ministries.* As a long time user of Covenant Eyes accountability software, he wanted to express his thanks for how it has helped him:
I want to give the highest recommendation and personal thanks to Covenant Eyes for creating a system that really works in protecting myself and my children from internet pornography.
I’ve always thought it rather strange how most companies that produce internet filters advertise them as useful for protecting children. Yet we know that the vast majority of men today, including most Christian men, have some level of a problem or serious addiction to pornography. Without something as reliable and fool-proof as Covenant Eyes, I could not guarantee that at any given moment I would be able to resist the temptation.
I am desperate to have clean hands and a pure heart with which to serve the Lord and produce holy, abundant fruit for His Kingdom. The filth of pornography steals my heart from His Presence, so I must protect myself from having such an opportunity available in my own home.
My wife is the one who receives the accountability reports. The thought of her seeing a link with a terrible title highlighted in red on the accountability report is enough to stop me from any evil pursuit. The program is on all three computers in the house, and also on my laptop, so whenever I connect to the Internet, anywhere in the world, the Lord is guarding my heart through Covenant Eyes. Knowing there’s no way around it (without a report going to my wife) means I don’t even try to circumvent it. I just have a lot of peace and my heart and mind are in a much purer condition.
Thanks, Jim, for your remarks.
If any of our readers have a testimony to share about how Internet accountability software has helped you, please send me an email: luke.gilkerson@covenanteyes.com
* Under the theme, “Creating Momentum for Transforming Revival,” Heart of God Ministries is an apostolic mission of spiritual renewal, worship, intercession, and spiritual warfare to pastors and churches in Haiti, Dominican Republic, and the Indonesian island of Java. Pastor Jim lives in Freeport, IL.