Help Others Restore Integrity Colossal Man Learning About the Porn Industry.
Help Others Restore Integrity 13 minute read

Ex-Porn Star Tells the Truth About the Porn Industry

Last Updated: September 5, 2024

Chatsworth, California produces 85% of the world’s adult content. All of the top female talent agencies are located in or within the Chatsworth local radius. Female performers are flown or fly to Chatsworth to work in the adult industry. All of the world’s top male talents live or travel to Chatsworth California for work. Every major and minor adult DVD Company is in the local Chatsworth radius. 

The California pornography industry is a destructive, drug-infested, abusive, and sexually diseased industry that causes severe negative secondary effects on female and male adult industry workers as well as the general public. I am confident of the above because not only was I a stripper, pornographic performer, and escort in the California pornography industry from 1986 to 1994, but I have also counseled with or spoken to over 300 female and male workers in the pornography industry as well as those struggling with pornography addiction. 

I have been working with adult industry workers since 2002, when I began volunteering as a teacher and counselor at local rescue missions and prisons in the State of California. I have worked at Madera Rescue Mission, Bakersfield Rescue Mission, Central California Women’s Facility Prison, and Valley State Prison for Women and have traveled throughout the United States as a speaker and counselor on the negative effects of pornography at various churches, recovery programs, and secular organizations. 

General Statistics on the Porn Industry 

In my daily work of assisting women and men recovering from the pornography industry, as well as those struggling with pornography addiction and gathering research over a period of several years, I have learned significant facts to prove that indeed the California pornography industry is causing severe secondary negative effects on adult industry workers as well as the general public, which is involuntarily exposed to pornography, especially children, whose average age of first internet exposure to pornography is 11 years old. 

According to pornography statistics: 

  • It is estimated that there are 4.2 million porn websites—12% of the total amount of sites—allowing access to 72 million worldwide visitors monthly. 
  • One-quarter of the total daily search engine requests, or 68 million, are for pornographic material, where 40 million Americans are regular visitors. 
  • According to comScore Media Metrix, 71.9 million people visited adult sites in August 2005, reaching 42.7 percent of the internet audience. 
  • The United States adult film industry produces 4,000–11,000 films a year and earns an estimated $9–$13 billion in gross revenues annually. 
  • An estimated 200 production companies employ 1,200–1,500 performers. Performers typically earn $400–$1,000 per shoot and are not compensated based on distribution or sales. 
  • Lobbyist Bill Lyon told 60 Minutes that the porn industry employs 12,000 people in California and pays the state $36 million in taxes per year. When 60 Minutes first spoke to Lyon, he was running the free speech coalition, a trade organization that represents 900 companies in the porn business. 

Porn Workers Frequently Receive STDs 

Adult film performers engage in prolonged and repeated sexual acts with multiple sexual partners over short periods of time, creating ideal conditions for transmission of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). All the more concerning, high-risk sex acts are on the rise. 

At the same time, condom use is reportedly low in heterosexual adult films—approximately 17% for adult performers. In 2004, only two of the 200 adult film companies required the use of condoms. Performers report that they are required to work without condoms to maintain employment. 

These practices lead to high transmission rates of STDs and occasionally HIV among performers. After four performers contracted HIV in 1998, Sharon Mitchell, a former adult film performer, founded Adult Industry Medical, a clinic to counsel and screen performers monthly for HIV. 

The current practice of periodic HIV and STD testing may detect some diseases early but often fails to prevent transmission. In April 0f 2004, three performers who had been compliant with monthly screening contracted HIV. At that time, a male performer who had tested HIV negative only three days earlier infected three of 14 female performers. 

What the Performers Say About STDs 

In statements I have received from females and males working in the pornography industry and those who previously worked in the industry, at least 80% admit to catching an STD while working in the California pornography industry. 

  • I personally caught the non-curable disease Genital Herpes in 1994 and was not given any information or help from porn producers or the adult industry. 
  • Jan Meza, a former porn actress who left the porn industry in October 2007, publicly shared of late that she discovered she has Herpes. She is totally devastated in that she caught a non-curable disease. 
  • Belladonna, a well-known pornographic performer states: “99% of the porn industry has herpes.” 
  • One male pornographic performer, Rocco, 600 films and 3,000 women later, says: “Every professional in the porn-world has herpes, male or female.” 
  • Tanya Burleson, formerly known as Jersey Jaxin, caught Chlamydia her first year working. She exclaimed, while speaking with me, “I don’t believe I worked with one person who didn’t at one time have an STD.” Tanya made over 200 movies in her three-year career. She also says, “Performers have to pay for their own testing, their medicine, and lose at least eight days of work every time they catch a sexually transmitted disease.” 

Sexually transmitted diseases are highly prevalent in the pornography industry. Among 825 porn performers screened in 2000–2001, 7.7% of females and 5.5% of males had Chlamydia and 2% overall had gonorrhea. Dr. Sharon Mitchell confirms the STD prevalence in an interview with Court TV, in which she states: “66% of porn performers have herpes, 12-28% have sexually transmitted diseases and 7% have HIV.” 

Why Some Porn Stars Also Work at Escort Services 

Pornographic performers and adult industry workers also often engage in prostitution through escort agencies such as Body Miracle, Dreamgirls, and Porno Star Escorts, where they not only risk sexually transmitted disease but also HIV and hepatitis C infection. 

Pornographic performers usually prefer escorting because the pay is much higher and sex acts are not as degrading or physically demanding. They receive approximately $100 an hour for working in pornographic films or $1500 an hour for escorting. Adult industry workers who are also pornographic performers get paid higher than other adult escorts due to their celebrity status and can book 2-3 hour appointments and make approximately $3000 a day. Agents also lie to women in the adult industry and lure them into prostitution. Porn performer Erin Moore says, “Some agents lie to the girls and tell them they are shooting a scene when instead they set up prostitution acts for them.” 

While I was a pornographic performer in 1993-94, I was flown to different parts of the United States by porn companies where consumers of pornography sometimes paid me thousands of dollars to spend a weekend with them where we engaged in unprotected sex. During one appointment with a man and his wife, we engaged in unprotected sex and I passed the disease to both of them. Pornographic performers and adult industry workers definitely spread sexually transmitted diseases to the general public. 

The Prevalence of Drug Abuse in the Porn Industry 

Another secondary negative effect of the adult industry is the exposure to drugs and drug addiction. Porn actress Erin Moore admits, “The drugs we binged on were Ecstasy, Cocaine, Marijuana, Xanax, Valium, Vicodin, and alcohol.” 

Tanya Burleson, formerly known as Jersey Jaxin, says, “Guys are punching you in the face. You get ripped. Your insides can come out of you. It’s never-ending. You’re viewed as an object—not as a human with a spirit. People do drugs because they can’t deal with the way they’re being treated.” 

One male porn star says on his blog on January 28, 2008: 

“Drugs are a major, major problem in my business. Anyone who says otherwise is lying to you. I can’t tell you the number of girls who have disappeared and dropped out of the business because of their drug problems. It is unbelievably sad to think about, and seeing some of them fall into a downward spiral hurts me more than others. But I think we all can agree that a huge majority of drug users will never change unless they get professional help. 

I have seen all manner of drugs on set, at parties, in cars, everywhere. If I had to guess, I would put marijuana use at 90% of ALL people involved in the industry (performers, directors, crew, agents, drivers, owners, office workers, etc.). 

I have been on a set where a girl has passed out during a sex scene with me (she was abusing oxycontin). Just recently a girl overdosed on GHB (a party drug that is a clear odorless drug that doesn’t mix well with alcohol) on set. I have seen a girl win a prestigious AVN Award, not show up to accept the award, and then fall into the throes of drug use that caused her to lose at least 50 pounds and drop off the face of the earth. 

Why is drug use so prevalent in our business? Well, let’s figure that out. 

First of all, remember that the business is populated largely with girls aged 18-21. And the majority of those girls are uneducated (many haven’t graduated high school). Add to that the fact that many come into the business because they have no money and are working at menial jobs like fast food places. So you have young girls who are uneducated with very little money entering the business. 

Once they are in the business, they are now making ten thousand dollars a month and working maybe five hours a day 10-15 days a month. There are predators out there that can smell these girls and prey on them like sharks. Young, uneducated girls with lots of money, lots of free time, and very little supervision. This is a really bad equation (unless you are a drug dealer of course).” 

All Porn Industry Workers Experience Abuse 

In addition to prevalent drug use, degradation and abuse are rampant in the pornography industry. In one study, 100% of the strippers reported some kind of verbal or physical abuse on their jobs.

Verbal abuse by customers is extremely common with 91% reporting incidents. They were routinely called degrading names. 

Besides the verbal abuse, all endured some type of physical abuse on the job. Despite the fact that it is illegal to touch a stripper, strippers reported that customers: 

  • Grabbed them by the arm (88%) 
  • Grabbed their breast (73%) 
  • Grabbed their buttock (91%) 
  • Pulled their hair (27%) 
  • Pinched them (58%) 
  • Slapped them (24%) 
  • Bit them (36%) 

The strippers are often attacked in front of the strip club bodyguards and other audience members. 

Former pornographic performer Alex Devine shares her violent experience and writes: 

“Donkey Punch was the most brutal, depressing, scary scene that I have ever done. I have tried to block it out of my memory due to the severe abuse I received during the filming. The guy, Steve French, has a natural hatred towards women in the sense that he has always been known to be more brutal than EVER needed. I agreed to do the scene thinking it was less beating, except the ‘punch’ in the head. If you noticed, Steve had worn his solid gold ring the entire time and continued to punch me with it. I actually stopped the scene while it was being filmed because I was in too much pain.” 

There is a very heavy emphasis on rougher, more sadistic sex, with slapping, spitting, violent hair-pulling, and scenes of extremely abusive hardcore sex acts. In one film, the man forces the woman’s head into a toilet during the final scene, a technique that seems to help him achieve climax. 

See Porn and Sexual Violence: 7 Important Facts.

Safe Workplace Laws Aren’t Enforced in California

In California, every employer is required to ensure that employees have a safe working environment. In 1973, the California Occupational Safety and Health Act was enacted to assure safe and healthful working conditions for all California working men and women by authorizing the enforcement of effective standards, assisting and encouraging employers to maintain safe and healthful working conditions, and by providing research, information, education, training, and enforcement in the field of occupational safety and health. 

Employers in the California porn industry are required to provide a safe and healthful workplace for employees, even pay the costs of a health and safety program, and yet this is not the standard in the adult industry. 

Currently, employers in the California pornography industry completely ignore the laws of the State of California to protect adult industry workers. This causes severe secondary negative effects on workers by subjecting them to physical and emotional abuse, major degradation and violence, illegal drugs, sexually transmitted diseases, and entrapment into prostitution. This is the standard of the California pornography industry. Any adult industry employer or worker who tells you differently is blatantly lying and does not value human life, but is rather destroying human life for the gluttonous love of money. 

Get More Facts About the Porn Industry and Its Impact on Consumers

The porn industry has a dark side for porn workers, but porn has some strong negative effects on consumers too. Learn more about the harms of porn and get the latest statistics on the porn industry in our free ebook Porn Stats.  

  1. David

    This article is really interesting and eye opening, but I am going to have to say that the idea that prayer cured your herpes is just ridiculous. There are plenty of other reasons why an outbreak has not occurred, or that her body has gained an advantage in subduing the virus through a healthy lifestyle.

    • Tim

      David you sound like most of the world that does’nt want to give God the glory for healing, maybe one day you will have the faith to believe it. Because I have experienced a miracle in healing from the Almighty and know many that have. This lady made a move of faith to live for God and help people trapped in the same situation she was. Thats how He works, she knows what they are facing. So why is it hard to believe God did the healing because she turned her life to Him. I will pray for you brother. God bless.

    • robbie

      @ Tim, shut up man, god dosent exist! why so many natural disasters whch kill so many INNOCENT people, surely he can stop that…? why has my best friends mother father and grandmother died of cancer in less than a year when they all prayed to god, but he wasent there for them! god (almighty)…(almighty prick) is not there and your pathetic for believing he is, complete muppet! btw the bible contradicts itself in a number of ways with its own words!!!!!!!

  2. Robert

    While I support anything that leads or better mental health, I am not certain that programs such as these ever get to the root of the problem. In my experience, most people “addicted” to pornography, or involved in the adult industry, were abused as children in a way that has altered their brain chemistry. It’s possible for some that antidepressant medication will work to reduce the pain that causes compulsive behavior. But it’s just as likely that it will not, and the individuals will struggle with the damage done to them until they die. I am living proof of this: A person with a hardcore anxiety disorder that has resisted every kind of treatment out there. I am still plugging along and will never give up the fight. However, I also realize that those promising “miracle cures” usually do not have the solution for most people, either. Good luck.

    • Tatenda

      Yu guyz yu are funny. . . .yu are commenting as if people are being forced into porn. . .most of them people inna de business take pride in their work until things starts to fall apart. . . . . Stop lies and defending these people they are into it out of their wil what yu should be doing is trying to help those who addicted to watching porn not otherwise that why they say only adults qualifies meaning they are able to make their own decision!.

      Help the addicts not the actors becoz yu cn never stop porn or its spread . . . . .over a million people are craving to be porn”stars”. So stop helping them or yu are still into it lady!.

  3. Jon, I can’t even believe that someone would say that. The dangers may be different, but they are just as real. The amount of money never makes the degradation and humiliation worth it.

  4. Adewum Oke

    More people need to hear about the dangers of pornography. somehow i feel if men who use pornography understands the pains and horror porn stars go through, many would hate themselves for using it.

    • Dubz W

      So you’re saying only men use pornography? Or you’re saying only men, not women, should understand the pains and horrors and will stop using it. I’m just trying to comprehend your broken logic.

    • Erica

      @ Dubz W
      I don’t think that was the intention of what Oke was trying to say. However, it seems like women suffer more in the industry then the men do from what I understand, but both are subject to abuse of some form.

      I agree with the content of what Adewum Oke said..

    • patrick

      its even worse here in africa specifically kenya, porn is killing us

    • 0243645024 David

      Porn is a satanic institution enrolling about ⅓ of the world’s population into hell.few are unaware of the real harm porn will do thier souls.we are living in the end time and satans’ most destructive tool is sexual Immorality,lets watch out …we have only ONE LIFE to live .one death to salvation through Jesus.and one jugdement after death.its about HEAVEN OR HELL no intermediate.the time is now.tomorrow is not a Jesus Cry to him at midnight ? and that’s your liberation.

  5. Jon

    $400-1000 to have sex and up to $3000 for a few hours having sex? whats she complaing about beats working on a oil rig for less pay much more dangerous??

    • Drake

      But oil rig workers aren’t degraded beyond recognition. They are forced to do despicable sexual acts. It’s better to die a good person than live as a monster. Are you forced to put a mans genitals in ur mouth daily? What about anal? Both careers have extremely high costs, oil rig can damage you physically, while porn has a 100% chance of emotionally affecting you. Think about that, and get back to this post.

    • @Drake — you make it seem as if sex workers in the US have NO other options. I know a lot of successful women who work in all types of jobs. Porn workers CHOSE to do porn. No one is forcing genitals anywhere — it is all a voluntary economic exchange. Both male and female workers can walk away at any time and need not choose to go into the porn industry in the first place. Attractive, sexy women can pursue modelling or PR quite easily if they are into that. They can also go to school and become doctors, lawyers, or any type of professional. But the men and women in porn chose it for some reason

    • Luke Gilkerson

      @Mike – I don’t think anyone is disputing that women choose to do porn. The problems being discussed are (1) the unlawful and immoral manipulation and coercion that happens on the job, (2) the lies told to these women that they are protected from various harms, and (3) the conditions in a man or woman’s life that leads her to believe a life in the commercial sex business is a good idea.

    • Is it really worth it.. When ur ready for a family n to settle down

      Go ahead and become a porn star but what will ur kids think of u later when u try to find a wife who knows and excepts all the diseases you have caught making yourself rich. Money is nice but not when u find urself with an STD or two and no one to love u for who u r and not just ur money. Seems kinda pointless in the end when u can’t find true happiness, which is love. Buying items will never make you 100% happy, there is always a void there and often times stds cause depression cuz everyone makes fun of them, like herpes so no one opens up to talk bout it.

    • White

      There is something that all human beings have…it’s called a spirit. And in case you’re wondering, women are considered human beings. Your comment is so disturbing, and proves that exposure to pornography distorts the mind, so that you only see women as objects, not as human beings. The devaluing of a human being to justify one’s addiction or mindset, is what rapists, murderers, and pedofiles do before acting on it. Your minimization of the devastation caused by porn, and disturbing view that, allowing others to use, abuse, and violate their body (inside and out) is an easy way to make a living. Your belief that physical violation has no connection with emotional violation/damage is disturbing. There is much more to a woman than her body. She is someone’s daughter. She has a soul, that desires to be cherished, protected, and valued. At some point, someone stole her innocence, and made her feel unworthy of being cherished, protected, and valued. Every time you look at a woman, remember, they use to be an innocent little girl, and has value. Cherish, value, respect, and protect women. While doing so, you will also personally benefit by re-training your thoughts, therefore avoid mimicking the mindset of most of the prison population.

  6. Heath

    I just wanted to say that this exposure of the depravity of the porn industry, and the abuse of women in the industry is amazing. I believe that many christians have labeled female porn stars as guilty and this article along with several others shows how much pain and agony these women face, and also how desperation and lies put them in these positions. I hope and pray that this exposure will one day put a stop to the porn industry and all it stands for.

    • T.J.

      why is this all about god?
      porn industry will never be shutdown because of how much taxes they pay, same with medical marijuana.
      pornstars wont stop making porn because its easy money.

    • Scarlet

      I don’t get those who strongly say bad things about God. Those who contract STDs and all that crap put themselves in those situations, God never asked them to. He will only help you if you go to Him. He’s always waiting for you, never forces His help unto people. And all those with huge mouths should watch what they say. God is Real today, tomorrow and forever no matter how much you don’t want Him to be.

  7. mike

    I have just started a sex addiction outpatient program. abstinant now 105 days. Thank you for your insight into my addiction. My addiction is rooted in dilusion. I want to know reality. What you write is stuff that will keep me in reality no matter what the cost and that will return me to sanity.

  8. Shane

    Thank you for this article. There is a darker element to the porn industry that people don’t really realize. Slowly but surely, certain things are creeping into the mainstream.

    “Extreme is the new hardcore” one performer once said.

    Where is it heading?






    • T Skee

      Wow here we r suppose to be talkin about how the industry is damaging to the performers and their families. And U PINHEADS turn it into a religious agrument. I do believe in god but this has nothing to do with it. Religion doesn’t rule everything y can’t u guys get that and get ur heads back on topic good grief

    • conscious one

      This is so interesting.
      So God is arrogant by not curing all d ppl who hv STDs n in fact everyother diseases in the world. Ok. Buh what do I call ppl hu wld rather spend money on porn than help the needy? Or pay prostitutes such huge amounts than to donate d money to a child desperately in need of a life saving surgery. U ppl r all here talkn bout hw God either don’t exist or is plain wicked. When we humans cannot use out of their resource to help fellow humans. Fools. While ur busy buying porn, sm1 not far from u is hungry or has bills to pay. So u should b allowed to sit n watch porn or hv fun wif a ho wyl God should go about healing ppl. Human beings r d wicked ones. God ddnt put us in d mess we made. It wasn’t like dis from d beginning. So leave him out of dis!

    • Samuel majeme

      We,i was about Joining.but am now Confused

    • What were you thinking of joining? Being a member of Covenant Eyes?

    • Jim Spencer

      I truly hope this lady is the real gut tells me she often like athletes an concussions the players don’t care till they are too old ..they take the money then cry later when not wanted.most men shouldn’t even use computer when wife isn’t in the house,it’s just to tempting.hey,we are guys full of testosterone.only best countermeasure is God..

    • Carlos

      God has a reason for everything. I use to think God doesn’t want me to have fun, but that is Not true. I am good at self-destruction . Some people are more Blessed than anothers .

  9. Roger Dymally

    Shelley, remind everyone of the story about how you had Herpes but were cured through prayer and religious healing. That is inspiring and I think useful for everyone to understand where you are coming from.

    • Dan

      I just have to say if you think God cured someone of herpes you are a complete idiot.

    • Luke Gilkerson

      @Dan – Unless you’re saying God doesn’t exist, I’m not sure why it would be all that hard for the creator of the universe to cure herpes.

    • T.J.

      god doesnt help anyone, he puts oppurtunities in front of you. then he chooses at the end what your fate is. there is no cure for herpes just a simple pill that hides your breakouts, not make it completely vanish away.

    • Luke Gilkerson

      Hi T.J. You’re making some pretty bold theological claim there. Care to tell us where you’re getting your information about God?

    • The Cool Dude

      @Luke… Yes T.J. is making a bold theological statement here… As are you though… When and where exactly did you see people being CURED from herpes by the will of God or otherwise?

      Other than that T.J. is correct…

    • LEE

      i am not surprise at those who doubt God,bcos blindness covers their luke 18 vrs 27.At the right time God does all things beautiful,lets trust God,for there is nothing greater than him.thanks

    • T Skee

      ENOUGH ABOUT GOD. Its about man and their decisions. About how this ex-pornstar is speaking out about the corrupt and damaging system that is the industry. NOT RELIGION. Herpes do NOT HAVE A CURE only can be masked. If she was truely cured then they weren’t HERPES. GOOD GRIEF. U guys are so pathedic. TALK ABOUT THE TRUE ISSUE AS TO Y THE BLOG WAS CREATED NOT GOD OR RELIGION. U want to talk about god go to ur churchs blog u bunch of fools

    • Luke Gilkerson

      Hi T Skee, the blog’s authors are all Christians presenting information for a Christian point of view. To say this was not created for God or religion is incorrect.

    • T Skee


      Sorry sir but ur incorrect. Just because the authors are christian does not mean the basis of this blog is. Cause as I understand it isn’t cause if it was she woulda put something like that in the begining of which she didn’t. Besides the others are getting carried away with it. This isn’t and yet like I siad before has not a dagblasted thing to do with religion. They are trying to make it that. Talk about that on ur churchs blog not here. This is about how the adult industry and how it can and does destroy lives of both the performers and their families and friends. So yet again I say. Religion hasn’t got ANYTHING to do with it. And by the way I wasn’t referencing you personally earlier I am simply speaking generally.

    • Luke Gilkerson

      T Skee – I thought when you said “blog” you meant the entire website (the collection of all the posts), not this specific post. My apologies. When I hear “blog” I don’t think just one article.

      Only from your perspective does religion have nothing to do with this. For the person who believes God is the creator of all things and the true master of their life, a spiritual perspective is central to any topic. You might disagree with that, but the fact remains many people read and comment on this blog from that perspective. They will bring in their own presuppositions to a conversation just like you bring in your own.

      You find it annoying that people bring God into every conversation. I agree there is such a thing as tact and well-spoken arguments, but the fact remains that the whole article is written by a Christian woman who is described in the first paragraph as a “missionary” to the sex industry, with a link to her website with a very Christian message. To say the Christian perspective is alien to this article is completely unfounded.

      I will say, however, that I agree that I would love it if there was more conversation here about the specifics of the article itself, regardless of a person’s spiritual affiliation. I would love to talk more about industry responsibility and personal responsibility. I would love to see more conversation about the harms done to performers. I would love to see how knowledge of these harms impacts the ethical questions about using pornography.

    • ghost j

      im christian watch ziegiest the movie if u have an open mind and dont just ignore oposing opinions just because they arent wat u believe a smart person looks at all points of view before making a decision Luke 6:37
      [ Judging Others ] “Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.

    • Dan :you need understand that God is real and that pornography is very satanic…..

    • Linlee87

      I believe it…that God healed her!!! Shes is doing Gods work and it is amazing!!!! Shelley I am a child of God as well and i am so thankful for you because i HATE the porn industry and i want the truth to be revealed because the world is confused and in denial….women and girls are believing that it is “cool” to abuse their bodys and it hurts me because thats not how God wants us to live. He loves us.
      P.S God healed me when i was a child from severe eczema that made my skin crack and bleed. So yes, i know he healed you! God bless girl! I got ur back, im praying for you!

    • pete

      im going to have to agree with dan. if ur so called god cured one person then why wouldnt he cure everybody that asks. its not possible and there is no cure

    • Luke Gilkerson

      pete – Your question is not about what is “possible” but about what God is willing to do. These are really different questions. One is about what God is capable of (and since he created the universe, he’s capable of a whole lot). The other is about God’s character: why does he do what he does? We don’t answer that second question by conjecture. The only way we would know what kind of God the Creator is is if He revealed himself in some way to humanity. This, by the way, is exactly what Christians like Shelley Lubben claim He did through the person of Jesus Christ.

    • bob

      theres no such thing as god dumb people made it up thousands of years ago you know like how the world was flat… your born you live you die i believe your mind just goes into a never ending herpes is real haha

    • bob – Interesting theory. Any evidence to support your ideas?

    • Legion

      Faith = Belief.
      Belief is the psychological state in which an individual holds a proposition or premise to be true.
      Belief does not = fact.

      Funny thing about Chinese whispers,, sorry i mean the Bible. The Bible is a bunch of stories spoken by Arabs, then written by Arabs, distributed by force by the Romans, then later by the Spaniards, to be finally butchered by the west.

      See here is were the problem lies, you have the 3 big companies seeking your hard earned dollar and soul. Christianity, Islam & Judaism, and their big selling point is fear, and their top product, the Quran, the Torah and the Bible were written by extremely high Arabs a couple of centuries ago.

      Now if these same Arabs came back now and wrote a book, you would not live, breathe and preach it, nor even read it the same way you read the Bible or follow your faith. You probably go as far as think, “terrorists have time to write books!”.

      If they came back to preach, they would be persecuted and killed like Vernon Wayne Howell aka David Koresh.

      Ok, hypothetically speaking, if god did cure Shelley`s STD, then god is a callous, sadistic, arrogant prick. Why should god select a few people and cure them from a work place related illness like, herpes. Then to turn around and place worms in a little boys eyes from the only source of water he has access to, which he will painfully go blind over time, is bullshit.
      And so is the saying,”its a miracle, see god was with you” when someone is cured or my favourite “god works in mysteries ways” when someone fubar.

      BTW when l die, l will be going to place called………….

    • Hi Legion. You’ve said a lot here. Care to back up anything you’ve said?

    • Legion

      oh yeah i forgot to say. l love porn.
      And all industries have bad sides to them, remember Exxon Valdez or BP incidents. And l bet you still use there products.

      I love that Shelley is putting herself out there helping the unfortunate victims of the porn industry, and she needs more help, especially from the porn industry and government.

      But for the love of your god, keep the religious views out of this issue. It will end up tainting and over shadowing Shelley`s main objective.

      Porn will never ever go away, so everyone involved needs to sit down and find a manageable working solution.

    • Hi Legion. Your comment betrays your ignorance about Shelley. She regularly mixes her faith with this issue. The comments here that bring in faith or the Bible are simply following her lead in the matter.

    • you guy need to focus on the main topic here wich is por and the affects that it has on your life not the holy man not god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Gabriel

      God can heal anything. He heals people, speaks to people and leads them, those who listen to Him.

      So ” Dan” who wrote this:”… you think God cured someone of herpes you are a complete idiot.” doesn’t really know what he is talking about!
      But by God’s grace your eyes can be opened and see what you have never expected in your life.

    • Yoyo ma

      ive read quite a few statistics that said pornstars are actually 89% less likely to carry any std than a “regular” person

    • Hi Yoyo Ma,

      Not sure about that. I’d love to read the source. One study I found concluded that porn actresses were more likely to have had sex at an earlier age, had more sexual partners, were more concerned about contracting a sexually transmitted disease. You can find that study here.

    • matiz

      God do miracle only for those who believe and accepted Jesus Christ as his savior…

    • ....

      God is every where……. secondly God help those who help them

    • raven

      I start watching porn at age of 13, after i reach my puberty, due to friends influences. Somehow, the porn makes me masturbates myself, i met my ex-scandal at the age of 19 n that is my first real sex.its might sound weird, but i was acting like a pornstar back then with all the screaming, yawning, naughty words, it even shocked him when i requested different style, which is odd for a first timer.i get more addicted toporn nowadays after my relationship with him over. Now i dont really seek replacements, because i felt that normal man cant satisfy my lust like how the male pornstar do..i am expecting them to act like how the male pornstar i weird?

    • No. You aren’t “weird” given you exposure to porn at a young age. Pornography has now shaped your sexual tastes and in a most unfortunate way. The good news is that your mind can be rewired and changed back.

    • samali

      when you believe trust and give your life to jesus and place your hope, faith and trust in God he surely comes to your rescue i say this with experience. God won’t exist to you if you think He ain’t around but He is always their waiting for you to come to him like a child running to a parent for help and He sure does help

    • White

      While reading through some of these comments, I am even more convinced that pornography addiction distorts ones perceptions, beliefs, and moral compass. It’s amazing how the addiction can be so deeply rooted, that one becomes hostile, and avoids confronting the truth about their addiction by creating distractions or deflecting (anything to change the topic). It’s ridiculous that the real point of this article has been minimized just because someone didn’t want to confront the pain their addiction inflicts, and successfully derailed the topic. There are opinions and then there are facts. One does not have to agree, or acknowledge, in order for a fact to be true. Some do not believe there is a God b/c they have never seen Him, or evidence to support the belief that God does exist. My response to that is, we all have a heart and other organs and we never doubt there existence just b/c we have never see them. Why would you believe something exist without ever seeing it, yet refuse to believe that the complexity of the inside of a human body, didn’t involve a Creator? My point is, it is very plausible that The One who designed and created genitals, has the power to heal them anytime He wants to. Just because you want to put limitations on the power of God, His power and love still remain limitless. Now, to get back on track with the point of this article. God also designed and created sex. The design of man and a woman’s genitalia to come together as one unit did not happen by chance or accident. The One and only Creator came up with the idea, designed, and created everything needed for sex. God came up with a beautiful idea, that is meant to be a gift that a husband and wife give to each other. It strengthens the bond between a husband and wife, and is physical example of the oneness a husband and wife should have together. But, unfortunately, Satan has distorted and tainted what God created to be a beautiful gift shared only between husband and wife. Satan is alive and well, and he wants to destroy all that God has created…that includes you, me, and everyone else (including the human beings in porn). The people you see on your screen is someone’s daughter or son. At some point in there life, Satan convinced them that their value was based on letting others violate their body and innocence (physically,visually, and mentally). The reality is that most (if not all) of the females you see in porn have been sexually abused in their childhood. They could name a list of people who used and violated their innocent little bodies, for sexual pleasure. Everytime you watch porn, your name is added to the list of people who have violated her.

    • todd ziegenhagen

      what man can do is very minimal but GOD does miracles to those who believe in him on a regular basis

    • this is evil…get out of forever

    • Jacob

      It’s a spiritual thing. When one engages or attempts reproductive acts with another we are designed to bond with the other for the benefit of the child that might be born. Pornography is a warping of human relationships of man and woman and it results in a warping of the human mind, especially for those engaging with the industry.

    • Shelley,Jesus Christ richly bless you for accepting to be one of his few labourers in the pornographic industry.Keep up the good work of spreading the good news to our beloved prodigal siblings of Jesus Christ.Some of us are very proud of you and your team.The Lord Elohim will always stir our spirits to pray for you.
      God bless you.

    • Rgabi

      The question is not that God heals her, its obvious.but the real question is
      Do you know your God?
      Christians dont know their True God and will go to hell.and abide therein forever.
      Alas for them they never think to use their minds.they only follow the path of their parents and their misled priests.

    • The wolf

      I’d have more pity for them if they all used protection in all there videos and practiced monogamy. Their problem not mine.

    • Bob Emner

      God doesn’t exist.

      Show me any tests performed under scientific conditions where ‘god’ cured anyone’s disease – or say – made somebody’s leg grow back.

      This doesn’t happen – it’s why we have double blind scientific trials and modern medicine.

      If you are in a serious car crash or have a bad disease – do you go to the church or the hospital?

      The bible is a load of nonsense made up by goat herders who didn’t know what soap was – discard it.

    • Kay Bruner

      Hey Bob,
      You might be interested in this article from The Gottman Institute, not written from a religious perspective, but rather from the perspective of what happens in a relationship when porn is used frequently.

    • Pedro

      Ha ha ha hilarious

    • Charlie Chizzy

      Bob my guy God is there and he will forever be.If there was no God there would be no Satan coz He is the opposite of God ey.And porn is one of Satans bad inventions coz he knows w
      e are to nahive and have hormones that would supposively help hos plans to work well as Jesus” days of coming back are near

    • steveirungujermaine

      im humbled

    • parish j Reed

      my wife,wont be doing porn,

    • Gregory

      The fool has said in his heart there is no God there are corrupt they have done abominable works,There is who does good. The Lord look down from heaven upon the children of men to see if there are any who understand who seek God they have all turned aside together become corrupt there is none who it does good no not one. Psalm 14

    • Jeffrey Nolan

      Dan , the Creator of the Universe can cure anything if it”s His will.

    • Jeffrey Nolan

      T Skee, I.will pray for you. Please let go of your pride
      😀🙏🙏👍☝️JESUS is the only ANSWER.

    • Jeffrey Nolan

      Brother Luke , I love the way you respond to critics of Christianity , we can only pray for them that they come to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. And yes , porn is straight from the Liar and Deceiver , Satan. But JESUS has already defeated him , Praise God !!!

    • Rafael

      Praying and believing your herpes have been healed by God without seeking scientific evidence to support your belief, is a sure fire way to pass it on to your wife and husband, etc. If you are convinced you are healed make sure to see a doctor to run the appropriate tests to clear you.
      It would be criminally negligent to proceed with sexual activity and know of a potential harm to your spouse.

    • Kay Bruner

      Thank you, Rafael. You are 100% correct. Medical treatment is necessary.

    • Well, God is above science and discovery. we used our knowledge to think there is no cure when God has the cure to herpes. he is supreme and our knowledge is nothing and will never be anything in the sight of God.

    • Micah D Gann

      Porn and it’s periphery are absolutely sinful and terrible. You should not be giving this woman the time of day though. She is a con woman, and her “Pink Cross Foundation” was a scam.

      Please continue to fight porn,

      Check your sources though!

    • J. L. Frederick

      Isaiah 45:7. He creates both. Does light have meaning without darkness? Yahweh does not cure herpes like some magic leprechaun. Who do you think created it?

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