Protect Your Kids girl with headphones smiling at phone
Protect Your Kids 0 minute read

How to Block and Monitor Porn on the iPhone

Last Updated: June 11, 2024

If you are concerned about pornography being accessed on your iPhone®, iPod touch®, or iPad®, you can use Covenant Eyes to help you.

  •  Covenant Eyes can monitor and block access to mature content.
  • You can get a regular report e-mailed to you with information about all the websites accessed, each one rated for the maturity of its content.
  • You can block websites based on the maturity of the content on each webpage.

Covenant Eyes does not replace the built-in restrictions on your device. It works hand-in-hand with them.

You can also install Covenant Eyes on the other devices in your home. Install on as many devices as you want for no added cost.

  1. The video isn’t working and I wanted to re-watch it since iPhones are so much trickier than Android. Thanks for the software, I love it.

  2. Deborah

    You are not married to him. You don’t need this. Get out while you can! It is sooooo much work and heartache and uncertainty and feeling lousy ahead of you, and there are no guarantees! Do you really think it is wise to START a marriage this way? Marriage is hard enough, without the added strain of a messy addiction!! Remember, he will be a father to your sons (bad example), and you will worry about your daughters’ safety! Why take the risk? I went through this myself!!!!!! It only ended in his affair, and my children, who are adults now, never saw him again, because he was too involved in his addiction! Because his addiction lost him so many jobs and kept him unemployed, he now owes me over $90,000 in child support, since the children are young adults now. A few years ago, it was up to over $96,000!! (I had to put myself through school by the time they were ages 1 and 4, because he dumped us for his mistress when they were 3 years old and newborn.) …do you really want to start out this way?! Find someone normal, or do not get married. Just because internet porn is commonly viewed, does not make it normal or OK! My children never had a dad because of pornography! It was more important to him than they were!!! It was more important to him than I was! It was even more important to him than God was!!!! You deserve better!!!!!!!!!!!! Love yourself as if you are your own daughter. What would you want for her?

  3. i am interested in yr product as i think my boyfriend has a problem with porn addiction and it is going to ruin our relationship

    • Have you had a chance to check out the features of our software yet? Let me know if you have any questions. I’m sorry to hear about your boyfriend. Far too many guys struggle with this.

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