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Help Others Restore Integrity 4 minute read

4 Secrets the Porn Industry Hopes You Never Find Out

Last Updated: November 4, 2020

Porn’s power is largely based on the element of fantasy. Whatever you lust for, you can pretty much find it. All those things you’d thought you’d try or acts you think might satisfy you are available at a click. And because these things play out on the screen in front of you, it seems like you’re getting everything you’ve wanted for nothing–no consequence, no repercussion, no risk.

You’re wrong.

I get that you have reasons for turning to porn. My husband did too. And right now, you may think no one suffers a single consequence for what you’re doing. Maybe you’re not married. Maybe you are, but your wife doesn’t seem to care or you’ve successfully kept it hidden. Maybe porn seems to be a safe release for you because of how you’ve been treated and burned in the past.

But maybe this isn’t just about you.

Perhaps this is about those people on the screen and their stories. What if they, for this moment, became real people to you? What if you knew the reasons why they got into this? What if you knew what it took to stay in this industry? What if you knew what went on when the cameras weren’t rolling?

Would it be as easy to click? I hope not. Because clicking means contributing to the suffering of the people in this industry–those who are willingly there and those who are not. Because clicking means contributing to the suffering of society. How long will we continue to wade into deeper and darker ways to torture and degrade each other? Because clicking means continuing to live in a way that says, “My needs triumph anyone else’s!” and breeds more selfishness and self-centeredness of which this world needs decidedly less.

Even if there seems to be no risk to using porn for you, would you be willing to entertain there is for someone else? And could this be enough for you to curtail your use and even end your addiction forever?

My hope is porn will never be the same for you after you read this post. I pray it gets more difficult to click as the truth about this industry becomes more real to you.  And I don’t just care about people in the industry, I care about you too. No matter how much you think you’re immune to porn’s destruction, you are not.

But today, we’re not talking about you. We’re talking about them. Here are four secrets of the porn industry they would prefer you didn’t know.

Condoms are not an option for most porn actors and actresses.

Despite the push to pass Measure B in California, which would make the use of condoms while shooting porn a requirement anywhere in the state, it failed to pass in February 2016. Though the industry says it requires STD testing every 14-21 days, those who are intimately familiar with the industry say that the test results can either be a sham, or if true, disregarded.

The main argument the porn industry purports? No one would watch porn if those starring used protection because it destroys the fantasy. In essence, real life needs of real life people play a clear second fiddle to the illusion necessary for business to thrive. And in real life, plenty of people in the porn industry are riddled with STDs.

Not everyone gets paid the big bucks.

At first glance, it may seem there are myriads of porn stars that fill the ranks of the rich and famous. Or, at least they look rich and famous. But the reality is, so many actors and actresses get paid very little. The average porn actor makes $30,000 per year, while the average actress makes $50,000. Some scenes pay as little as $150. All of this pales in comparison with how much money the porn industry makes–literally billions of dollars per year. Porn stars get no royalties from the distribution or sale of their movies and often have no rights to the pictures taken of them.

Not everyone is there on his or her own volition.

Even if what you are watching features someone who is 18+ years old, you’re still engaging with an industry where many photos and films are made of people without their consent, or who have been led to believe they cannot withhold their consent for fear of major repercussions.

In a very literal way, pornography is advertising for trafficking, not just in general, but also in the sense that traffickers and pimps use pornographic images of victims as specific advertising for their ‘products.’ –Ana Stutler, “The Connections Between Pornography and Sex Trafficking”

Pornography is a form of sex-trafficking, and the truth is, unless you can research and find out who these people are and what led them into this life, you have no idea of knowing whether he or she got there purely by her own choice and without lies and false promises leading him or her there. Is this the kind of life you’d want for your daughter? Your best friend’s son? If it’s not good enough for them, why is it good enough for anyone?

There are a lot of smoke and mirrors in the industry, even beyond Photoshop.

If it seems too good to be true, it probably is. The entire premise of porn, remember, is fantasy. How can a man keep an erection for that long? Probably because he’s not doing it on his own, but turning to drugs like Viagra, even if he’s barely 25 years old. How can a woman be that thin? Probably because she doesn’t eat much or has to take laxatives to make certain shots appealing. In many cases, gay porn isn’t made by people who are gay, but because these scenes pay more, they pretend.

The truth is, you were created for more than to ingest pornography. This never was something that God wanted to fill you in those deepest places or to serve as an alternative for relationship.

The truth is, this never was God’s design for what a productive, fulfilling job would be. This is not how He desires to care for our physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. And even if you think you’re not suffering for using porn, someone else is. Need more proof? Meet Miriam.

  1. Roger Mathews

    Thank you for this information! I understand that the etemology or root of the word pornography is “Devil’s pictures.”

  2. Porn exists because of brokenness. I know because I have struggled with porn addiction for a long time. I come from a broken home. I discovered porn at an age, and time when I was very vulnerable. When my parents were divorcing, and my life felt like it was falling apart, porn was there.
    Unfortunately the church was not. Even today, I’m afraid to tell people in the church about my struggle. I have been judged and hurt by the very people I needed help from. Fortunately I found a celebrate recovery group in the town I live in. Recovery takes time, and there are no quick or easy fixes. Please pray for me as I fail forward.

  3. Crash

    Lord Bless you for sharing this for those struggling and the collateral damage of loved ones. There is hope, there is victory over this addiction.

  4. "D"

    Thanks Jen, well written. I agree with what you have said. I have to say, no one would really want to do this if it were not for the money. I am though a little shocked about the money they get paid, I thought it would be a whole lot more….wow. That means the other folks (not taking part in the acts) are making “huge” profits. I struggle in this area (porn) and when I read stats like these it really does give me strength to overcome thoughts. I just can’t seem to get pleasure at the cost of another….I wish I could remember this all the time.

    Again, well written…thanks!


  5. Jakemonte

    It is an industry. Like any other industry around. It is thriving. It becomes a living for those into it. Porn is helpful for me.

  6. L

    Thank you for this post. I am trying to do more research into our culture’s view on sexuality. I tell you, the mixed messages I get just from living on this planet are very confusing at times! I’ve grown up in a conservative Christian home, but now I really want to know why sexuality should be respected. I want to understand why God says not to do certain things! I appreciate the research you have done for this article.

    • I think the main reason God tells us not to do certain things is because He wants to protect (and teach us how to protect) our hearts. He doesn’t want things He knows will cause separation to interfere with the fullness He has planned for our relationships – both with others and with Him.

    • Mary

      For more about sex and sexuality, find out more about Saint Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body (TOB), there’s are many talks about TOB available on youtube. TOB talks and seminars are being held in many parishes too. Check it out to find out more about human sexuality. There’s much much more to it then just what we can imagine and JPII had done a wonderful job of guiding us to knowledge of what our human sexuality is all about.

    • Ed of Ct.

      Tumblr is the worst offenders. Pinterest will remove vile sites if you complain often Yahoo and you tube just about as bad as Tumblr. .. Boycott them and repeatedly contact them as to why you are doing this..

  7. Dondo Iorlamen

    i got to this website after reading an SIM material on sexual temptation. Thank you for your contribution to the growth of christian purity. However, i like to ask how you got the information above. was there a research among victims or what? Thank you.

    • Yes, it was researched. You can find the links to the research in the blue highlighted text in the article.

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