Articles by Jen Ferguson
Jen Ferguson is a wife, author, and speaker who is passionate about helping couples thrive in their marriages. She and her husband, Craig, have shared their own hard story in their book, Pure Eyes, Clean Heart: A Couple’s Journey to Freedom from Pornography. They continue to help couples along in their journeys to freedom and intimacy. She’s also a mama to two girls and two high-maintenance dogs, which is probably why she runs. A lot. Even in the Texas heat.

4 Tips for Your Mental Health While Your Spouse Quits Porn
The fact that your spouse has committed to kicking his/her porn habit is huge. Even admitting that porn is a problem is a big deal—one can’t attempt to heal from a sickness s/he won’t acknowledge…

Sending Nudes to Your Spouse: For Your Eyes Only?
I remember when celebrity and actress Jennifer Lawrence was the victim of account hacking, and a variety of pictures of her in various stages of undress were downloaded and then distributed without her permission. When…

Why Surrendering to God Doesn’t Mean You’re Giving Up the Battle
Surrender is hard. Surrender is especially hard when you’re a type-A, emotional caregiver who struggles with anxiety. Hello, perfect storm. I want to fix everything. I want people to be happy and healthy and free. My first…

Have Porn Addiction, Will Travel
We have a closet that perpetually needs to be cleaned out and organized. It seems to attract junk on a daily basis. It’s also the holding spot for all things craft, which means it receives…

Three Cheers for Real Sex!
How many movies have you seen that portray a couple who’s been married for thirty years having sex? I am sure a few exist, but when you think generally about who’s having sex on the…

Sex Isn’t the Solution to Your Husband’s Porn Problem
In the first few moments after I found my husband Craig’s digital footprints that led me to his favorite porn sites, all I could see, feel, and speak revolved around rage. I was embarrassed (because…

Why We All Need an Ally
If you’re in a partnership where one of you is addicted to pornography, you may have heard that the person struggling with the addiction needs an accountability partner. Guess what. The person who’s not addicted…

5 Ways Our Marriage Improved Without Porn
Marriage and porn. There are so many ways pornography can infiltrate. In our case, my husband, Craig, brought it in. The addiction started in his teens. It was his own personal escape from the reality…

2 Things Your Spouse Doesn’t Need to Know About Your Porn Use
If there are certain things you shouldn’t tell your spouse about your porn addiction, it must mean there are important things s/he does needs to know. First and foremost, that you are using pornography. Confessing…
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