Search Results for: trafficking

Blog Post

Sexual Sabotage

The Pornifying of American Youth In last month’s issue of Pure Minds Online (the Covenant Eyes e-magazine), I wrote a story called “Sexual Sabotage: The Pornifying of American Youth.” I’ve been asked by several people to supply sources for the stats given in the article for research purposes. I’ve reproduced…

Blog Post

How to Talk to Your Kids About Technology

From the beginning, Covenant Eyes was founded on the idea that open and honest conversation is the most significant weapon we have against Internet temptation. Whether you have a Christian or secular worldview, open and honest expression of thoughts and ideas generally provides some relief and/or healing. As I worked…

Blog Post

A Tale of Two Sons

Being a parent in the digital age is difficult. The doorways to distorted and false information are wherever there is Internet access. Parents having the right conversations at the right times isn’t a guarantee that their children won’t make poor decisions, but recent data provided by The Barna Group prove that…

Blog Post

A 21-Day Detox from Porn: Jack’s Story

Jack P. is a management consultant, financial executive, and historian residing on the East Coast. He is active in the pro-life movement, the United States Naval affairs, and is an avid outdoorsman. I had no real habitual issues with porn until after my wife died a few years ago.  I…

Blog Post

Porn and Anxiety: What Does Research Tell Us?

Is there a connection between watching porn and anxiety? Perhaps you’ve been experiencing anxiety and have wondered if it’s related to your porn habit. Maybe you’ve noticed a friend or loved one who seems especially anxious, and you’re concerned that porn might be causing it. Let’s take a look at…

Blog Post

4 Things to Remember About Your Husband’s Porn Problem

When dealing with the porn addiction of a spouse, it’s really easy to believe lies that make you feel inadequate. Here are the four most important things to remember about your husband’s porn problem. 1. It’s not because you aren’t attractive/fit/sexy/adventurous enough. If you’ve seen the types of pictures and movies…

Blog Post

My Kid Was Stuck Watching Porn on a Plane

Shocked. Horrified. Disgusted. Sickened. That’s only a handful of the emotions that overtook me when I found out that my 14-year-old son was a captive audience to a two-and-a-half-hour public display of hardcore heterosexual and homosexual obscenity—and no one said a word. I dare not even repeat here the vile…

Blog Post

3 Reasons Why I Will Never Allow My Children on TikTok

When I opened the TikTok app for the first time, it took me less than a minute to find explicit content. I wanted to do some research into the claims that this extremely popular platform allows sexual videos, so I downloaded the app. Without even creating a user or verifying…

Blog Post

3 Simple Steps Church Leaders Can Take to Fight Porn

It was 2001 and I was introduced to porn for the second time in my life. The first was at a bachelorette party, but I thought the whole thing a bit ridiculous, so it didn’t phase me much. The second time, however, was on our home computer. I stumbled upon…