Articles by Micah Horner
Micah Horner is a wife, homeschool momma of five, student, and teacher of the Word. She and her husband, Michael, have been radically transformed by the supernatural grace and power of God to overcome the costly effects of pornography within their marriage. Along with being passionate about teaching/training her own children to walk in the light, share the light, and be the light, she lives to teach, train, and build women to live beyond themselves…for Christ and the next generation. Her husband is an Area Director of Man In the Mirror Ministries, which also exists to build and disciple men. Together they have made it their life purpose to intentionally invest in others by giving hope to the hurting and solid truth to the hungry.

My Kid Was Stuck Watching Porn on a Plane
Shocked. Horrified. Disgusted. Sickened. That’s only a handful of the emotions that overtook me when I found out that my 14-year-old son was a captive audience to a two-and-a-half-hour public display of hardcore heterosexual and…

Tough Love for Your Unrepentant, Porn-Using Husband
“There’s nothing I can do. As a Christian I’m obligated to simply ‘forgive and forget,’ and just move on.” “I can’t set boundaries with him. I’m not his mom!” “I’m completely alone. And I have…

Life After Porn: 5 Things My Husband Did to Rebuild Trust
Standing in a dark Las Vegas hotel room with my ear cupped to the bathroom door, I heard a voice that I had never heard before. It was the voice of a man “chatting with”…
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