Defeat Lust & Pornography
Defeat Lust & Pornography 2 minute read

“Somebody’s Daughter” Documentary

Last Updated: March 25, 2024

They led a double life. One was a worship leader, another a Sunday school teacher, two of them pastors, but behind the scenes all of them struggled with a sinful addiction they didn’t want anyone to know about. So they hid. Behind pulpits they professed Jesus to be their Lord. But behind computer screens and in adult video stores they bowed to another god.

In one month you can listen to their stories on the new documentary, Somebody’s Daughter.

It began with one man, a well-known song writer confessing to a trusted friend about his porn addiction. Then it turned into a series of songs about repentance, hope, and healing, which turned into a whole CD project: Somebody’s Daughter: Confronting the Lies of Pornography.

Steve Siler, the project leader, says that when the CD was released in 2005 there was still quite a bit of denial going on in the church at large. But the temperature is much different now, he says. More and more people are willing to talk about the problems associated with pornography in their midst. The urgency of the problems are understood, and people are anxious for help and resources.

The project is attempting to meet some of the needs in the church. When the DVD is released next month (September 19) it will include (1) the original Somebody’s Daughter CD, (2) music videos for several of the songs and (3), a documentary that features three men and one married couple who share how pornography devastated their lives and how they broke free.

I’ve personally seen some rough cuts of the project, the interviews and the music videos. This project is not your standard low budget Christian film. It is very well produced and well edited. It is hard hitting and emotionally compelling. I believe that in years to come it will become a standard resource in addiction-recovery ministries and church libraries.

One week after the release date, on September 27, the makers of Somebody’s Daughter will be gathering near Orlando, Florida, for a special concert: Into the Light. It will be an evening of music and storytelling, featuring music from the CD, new songs, multimedia presentations, and spoken testimonies. Performing will be Clay Crosse, Scott Krippayne, John Mandeville, Michael Kelly Blanchard, and Topher Teague.

The event will call men and women to live lives of sexual purity and deep intimacy, calling people away from pornography and towards a holy passion.


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