If a female porn star showed up at Disney World, would your daughter know who she was? Hopefully not…but sadly, that’s not the case with a lot of girls today.
I read a story a while back about a family who took their daughters to Disney World for a vacation. As they made their way through the park, they noticed a long line of people waiting in front of a booth.
There were a lot of couples, families, and groups of teenage girls in line, so this family walked up and asked someone what was going on. It turned out everyone was waiting in line to see some famous actress, but this family didn’t recognize the name.
After a quick Google search, they were shocked to discover what made this woman so famous.
She was a porn star.
What was even more shocking was the amount of young people waiting in line to meet their favorite star.
If you think your daughter is too young, too innocent, or too naive to know about porn, think again. She may be more of aware of the stars than you realize.
The truth is, if your daughter has any of the following items, she has probably been exposed to porn at some point:
- Social media accounts
- A phone with Internet
- A TV in her room
- A laptop with Internet access
- Or–hangs out with friends who have any of the above
And if your daughter hasn’t been exposed to porn yet (hallelujah!), she will most likely be exposed at some point in the future. And when she does, she is going to be fed some big, fat, juicy lies about her identity as a female. She is going to be fed some seductive and enticing lies about her sexual identity. She is going to be given an education by the porn industry.
Porn is so dangerous because it can appear “harmless” to teens, but will totally wreck a girl’s view of herself in seconds. Porn educates. And it happens almost instantly. Here are 3 ways I see porn educating girls about their sexuality today:
1. You are only as valuable as your body.
Porn is a thriving business built upon the images of airbrushed and physically enhanced women. These women are not the real deal, and they’re not going to last. The moment a woman is deemed “unattractive” she’s out of a job. The porn industry is nothing more than a revolving door of perfectly ideal females coming in, and less than ideal females going out.
When a young girl sees images and videos of these “perfect” women, she instantly forms a false view of “beauty.” Then, she compares her body to these “perfect” women. And 99% of the time, she isn’t going to measure up. Within a matter of seconds this young girl has gained a false education about her beauty and her worth.
She walks away feeling discouraged because she believes a woman is only as valuable as her body.
2. Your private parts are actually public parts.
A young girl may grow up hearing her parents say things like, “those are your private parts,” or “that area of your body isn’t for the public.”
Then, the moment this young girl sees porn, everything changes. Suddenly, private parts aren’t private anymore. They’re public. This girl instantly gains a new education about her body parts. She learns that showing off her cleavage and chest is considered beautiful and hot. She learns that allowing others to see her without clothes on is normal and appropriate.
She learns that her parents are old fashioned and don’t know what they’re talking about.
Porn educates, and it educates quickly.
3. It’s empowering to be viewed as an object.
Last, and most importantly, porn educates girls that it’s empowering to be objectified. This is one of the biggest and most dangerous lies out there. Being viewed as an “object” is a horrible and demeaning thing for a female. However, the porn industry has done such a brilliant job of making it look glamorous and empowering, that women are jumping on board.
When your daughter sees porn, she is instantly fed the message that it’s empowering to become eye candy for men. She is educated with the lie that her sexuality is a consumable commodity. She begins to view her body as an object, and wonders how much she would be worth.
There is nothing more demeaning to a woman than objectifying her. In fact, I wrote an entire article about why porn doesn’t empower women.
Whether your daughter has been exposed to porn or not, I can’t encourage you enough to be proactive and beat her to the education table.
Our culture is full of sneaky lies that can’t wait to trap your little (or big) girl. Don’t allow porn to give your daughter an education about her worth, value, sexuality and beauty as a female. Beat porn to the table and tell your daughter the truth about her beautiful, God-defined identity as a woman.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on this.
- How have you seen porn (or soft porn) influence your daughter’s view of herself and her sexuality?
- In a porn-saturated culture, what truths would be empowering to share with young girls about their identity?
I am extremely shocked by this article. My daughter is 14 and we are planning a trip to Disneyworld. I am a Christian. I know Disney is into LGBT and so on for its employees but I really am doubting they would have a porn star actress there for signatures. Can you show us something to verify your claim?
Hi Mike! Thanks for your comment. I heard this story (porn Star at Disney World) on the radio and am not sure what the original source is. Wish I could provide more details. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Thank you for this article, Kristen. I appreciate the woman’s perspective! I have a blog called Jewels in ‘Junk’, and my last post addresses your first two points. Hope you can have a read sometime. Here’s my link: https://jgela.wordpress.com/2016/02/06/pornography-proliferating-the-perversion-of-privacy-plus-a-dummys-philosophy-for-prevention/
Blessings, Josh
“Porn is so dangerous because it can appear “harmless” to teens, but will totally wreck a girl’s view of herself in seconds.” This is not an exaggeration. The warping of the mind, both male and female, can take seconds to occur, and decades to unravel.
This does not sound like Disney World. Who was it and when did it happen?
Hey Bill – please see my comment to William above. Thx! -Kristen
Great post about the dangers of porn to all human beings, not just teen girls. However, I am having a hard time believing the intro to the story. Do we REALLY think there was a “booth” set up within the park at Disney
World with a porn actress signing autographs? While I get the point the author is trying to make, I don’t believe this actually happened. Maybe outside the park at t local restaurant? Sure. But INSIDE the park as the article suggests? Probably not. It’s important that we as Christians are confident enough in the validity of our message that we don’t need to make up extraordinary facts to drive our point.
Hi William! Thanks for your comment. I heard this story (porn Star at Disney World) on the radio and am not sure what the original source is. Wish I could provide more details. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
Thanks for the article. I have personally experienced how explicit images change one’s view of their God-created, God-given, God-approved sexuality. Thank God for His victory and healing power! Your points are so true. I would love to see more written on this subject of young women and pornography usage. It is a more widespread problem than most people are aware of or care to admit!
Am thinking that the title should really be: “3 Ways Porn Deceives Girls About Their Sexuality”.
Great post! In some ways, overlaps with Hugo Schwyzer’s article “Beauty vs. Sexuality”, written some years ago.