Once you have received your affiliate code and created your landing page, you will want to spread the word about Covenant Eyes.
The best thing to do is keep reaching out the same way you’ve always reached out to them, whether that’s through personal contact, large seminars, blogging, or social media.
Here are a few tips to help you get started.
Using Your Affiliate Tracking ID
In order to receive credit for signups to Covenant Eyes, new users must use your affiliate tracking ID as they sign up. There are two ways to make sure your ID is being used.
1. Talk About Your Affiliation with Covenant Eyes
When you talk to people about Covenant Eyes, invite them to visit your website where you will feature your affiliate ID.
2. Link to Us Using Your ID
If you will be linking to us electronically through your website, newsletter, or social media account, you’ll want to make sure to include your affiliate ID link. This will automatically carry your code over into the signup process, giving you credit for signups.
To access your affiliate ID link, simply sign in to your affiliate portal. Once in, you’ll have access to your custom ID that you can copy and paste into your website or advertising.
You are also able to link to any page on the Covenant Eyes website with your affiiate ID. For example, many affiliates like to link to our free ebooks and other resources.
To do this, while signed into your affiliate portal, navigate to the Create a Link section of your Dashboard.
Simply enter the Covenant Eyes URL for the specific page you want to link to, such as covenanteyes.com/signup, and hit the Apply button. Then select http or https from the http(s):// dropdown menu. The system will automatically create a custom link that you use in your marketing efforts.
Remember, if someone signs up through your website but does not use your ID, you will not get credit for the signup.
Sharing Educational Materials
Covenant Eyes offers a number of free educational resources, ranging from blog posts to full ebooks. We encourage you to link to this content or quote it. For more information, please view our permissions policy.
Covenant Eyes’ blog posts and emagazine articles:
Google penalizes websites for publishing duplicate content—both the original site and the site quoting the material. Because of this, you may not repost online articles in their entirety.
Without our permission, you may:
- Link to covenanteyes.com or any specific page or post
- Quote one or more of our articles or ebooks, provided you link back to the original and provided the quotes are contained in an article that is your own unique work.
- Print and freely distribute any article or ebook directly from our website provided the domain “CovenantEyes.com” is clearly visible on the printout.
Covenant Eyes’ ebooks:
We offer a growing number of free ebooks. These may be reviewed or quoted, but you must link to the landing page for the ebook. You may not upload the file to your own website or link to it directly.
Again, make sure to include your affiliate code in any links to us.
Social Media
Social media can be an effective way to reach your followers, especially if you are already have active accounts. We suggest:
- Sharing our blog posts
- Sharing our Facebook updates
- Retweeting us
- Explaining why you recommend us or our content
- Tweeting or sharing your Covenant Eyes landing page
- Sharing our educational materials
- Engaging your fans with questions, not just statements
- Sharing thought-provoking images
- Starting a Facebook group
- Using popular hashtags
- Scheduling your posts and being intentional about your promotions
If you choose to use social media to promote us, remember that there is such a thing as too much. If you sound like a walking advertisement, you will lose followers. If you use social media comparatively infrequently (e.g. once a day), you should keep it to approximately one post a week. If you use social media very frequently (e.g. 5-6 times a day or more), consider linking to us approximately once a day.
If you maintain a blog, you should consider linking to us from it when appropriate. For example, if you are a counselor, you might want to link to your Covenant Eyes landing page any time you write a post about sex addiction. If you write about family and parenting issues, consider linking to your landing page when you talk about Screen Accountability™.
By writing honest and compelling blog posts that meet the needs of your audience, you can give your affiliate efforts a needed boost.
If you are a ministry or organization and don’t have a blog, maybe you should start one. The first reason is it will greatly enhance the number of people who learn about what you do. The second reason is it can greatly benefit your efforts as an affiliate if you use it well. Here are three basic rules about writing blog posts that feed your affiliate endeavors.
1. Choose meaningful topics, ones that matter to your audience.
Your blog posts shouldn’t be a blatant ad copy about Covenant Eyes. Instead, they should be about interesting and informative subjects. You know your audience best. Write to them! You can link to our blog within your content to drive the point home.
2. Serve your reader.
Have your readers in mind when writing. What do they need? How will a blog post impact your readers’ lives? Is the copy fluff and a waste of time, or is it valuable information they can use? If it looks like you are only writing something to make a quick buck, it will hurt your reputation.
3. Write well and never publish before getting edits from someone else.
Even if you are a good writer, you may miss typos, incorrect word usage, or sentences that only make sense to you. Whether it’s a friend, a spouse, or a minstry partner, have someone read and edit your copy…. and two editors are better than one.
Church groups and speaking engagements
Speaking opportunities are perfect for spreading the word about Screen Accountability. As a pastor, for example, you could preach a sermon on biblical accountability and mention Screen Accountability through Covenant Eyes. If your church has a parenting class, one session could focus on managing internet risks among kids, and you could discuss Covenant Eyes as a parenting tool. If you are on a speaker tour, you could incorporate Covenant Eyes as a recommendation during your talk and provide flyers with your affiliate information.