Search Results for: masturbation

Blog Post

The Mortification of Sin (Part 3 of 15)

“To sin is a human business, to justify sins is a devilish business.” – Leo Tolstoy The more aggressive, subversive, and harmful we know an enemy is, the more alert we are in stopping his villainy. The same is true with sin: the more we understand the real nature of…

Blog Post

Is Watching Porn Normal?

Statistics show that watching porn is extremely common—but does that make it normal? Two-thirds of men regularly consume pornography along with a third of women. So it is true that plenty of normal people watch porn. (Check out Covenant Eyes Porn Stats) The Danish thinker Soren Kierkegaard observed, “There is…

Blog Post

Facing Temptation (Part 1): The Sympathizing Savior

He calls me crying for the third time in a week. “I don’t understand,” he says, “Why do I continue to give into temptation every time?” Despite repeated uses of filters, accountability, and rigorous Bible study, my friend continues to run to his computer late at night looking for pornography.…

Blog Post

Are You Angry Enough to Quit Porn?

How do you feel about being tricked? Lied to? Manipulated? I’ve never met anyone who told me, “I was deceived all those years ago, and it felt so good when I found out! I love how my life turned out after I was duped.” A classic hustle in Thailand is…

Blog Post

5 Secrets to Walking in the Spirit

The following is adapted from Your Brain on Porn, a free ebook available from Covenant Eyes. The Bible does not describe us merely as wayward, broken, or needing a moral boost but as those who are dead in sin (Ephesians 2:1). Dead men and women do not just need recovery;…

Blog Post

Big Mistakes Churches Make When Helping Porn Addicts

A recent survey indicates that 52% of Christian men and 10% of Christian women view porn at least several times a month. Most of these individuals sit in their churches week after week, and no one knows their dirty little secret. What can the church do to create an environment that…

Blog Post

Discipleship 101: Biblical Accountability

Discipleship is more than having a traditional “accountability group.” The word “accountability” appears nowhere in the Bible, but it is a term used by many churches to encapsulate a whole host of ideals God has for relationships in the church. If we are going to disciple others and be discipled,…