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10 Ways to Help Your Spouse Heal after Sexual Betrayal
If you are the one who has wounded your spouse with your…
If you are the one who has wounded your spouse with your sexual acting out and you’ve read beyond the title of this article, I’ll assume you have at least some level of interest in…
If You Love Her, Tell Her the Truth
Consistently, wives of sex addicts share with me how the lies and…
Consistently, wives of sex addicts share with me how the lies and secrets their husbands keep from them hurt more than the sexual acting out itself. I asked a few of these wives the question,…
3 Essential Responses to Your Spouse’s Betrayal Trauma Triggers
“What are you looking at?!” Lisa shrieks while her eyes bulge and…
“What are you looking at?!” Lisa shrieks while her eyes bulge and her body pulses with adrenaline. Doug looks up from his phone like a deer caught in the headlights. Panicked, he tries to reassure…
2 Things Your Spouse Doesn’t Need to Know About Your Porn Use
If there are certain things you shouldn’t tell your spouse about your…
If there are certain things you shouldn’t tell your spouse about your porn addiction, it must mean there are important things s/he does needs to know. First and foremost, that you are using pornography. Confessing…
4 Reasons Your Spouse May Keep Turning to Porn
My husband has been free from pornography for over four years, but…
My husband has been free from pornography for over four years, but I’m still discovering things about why he turned to porn all those decades ago. The truth? The reasons aren’t porn-specific. Porn, in many…
Are You Attracted to Your Wife or Objectifying Her?
I Plan on Objectifying my Wife. You Can’t Stop Me! I recently…
I Plan on Objectifying my Wife. You Can’t Stop Me! I recently wrote a Covenant Eyes article “What Christian Culture Has Gotten Wrong About Sexual Purity.” In it, I wrote: Satan’s definition of sex is…
How Boundaries Helped Heal Our Marriage: Robin and Dave’s Story, Part 2
My wife Robin and I have been on a 15-year journey of…
My wife Robin and I have been on a 15-year journey of recovery from the damage caused by my addiction to pornography, strip clubs, and masturbation. The shame of my 20-year relationship with pornography during…
Therapeutic Disclosure: How It Can Help Your Marriage Heal
What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You Imagine you go to the doctor…
What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You Imagine you go to the doctor and learn that you might have cancer. You are sent home and told to come back next week to find out. You don’t…
When Fantasy Invades Your Marriage
Fantasy seems like an invincible foe. Close your eyes and you can…
Fantasy seems like an invincible foe. Close your eyes and you can picture anything you want, with no one to stop you. Unlimited helpings of dessert, without gaining any weight? Done. Scoring the winning touchdown…
12 Secret (and not-so-secret) Ways Porn Changed Our Marriage
I will never say I’m grateful for pornography or that my husband,…
I will never say I’m grateful for pornography or that my husband, Craig, brought it into our marriage. However, I am grateful that God used his addiction to refine us and give us the marriage…