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FAQ Friday: "Does ‘Porn Mode’ get around Covenant Eyes?"

Last Updated: March 25, 2024

Firefox 3.1 calls it ‘Private Mode,’ the new Google Chrome calls it ‘Incognito Mode,’ and Internet Explorer 8 calls it ‘InPrivate Browsing.’ But for many users of these Web browsers, it’s just called “Porn Mode.”

These features allow a person to surf the Web without the browser recording a history, cookies or a cache of temporary files. While this sort of secret browsing is not a new concept (Safari added this feature over three years ago), and with so many new versions of these web browsers recently adding this feature, many people are excited, but others are concerned.

Does Covenant Eyes accountability software still monitor your Internet even if “porn mode” is on? Yes. These privacy modes on both Windows and Mac computers have no effect on Covenant Eyes software. This is one of the benefits of Covenant Eyes. It is easy to delete one’s Web history; but with our software, the user’s browsing information isn’t saved on the user’s computer, but rather it is saved on Covenant Eyes’ servers.

  1. Hi
    I am an accountability partner to my husband. and I found the incognito mode on google and decided to check out if in fact it will still show on covenant eyes. Unfortunately what I searched does not get picked up on coventant eyes reports.

    Please advise

    • Hi Michelle. I think I know about the issue you’re talking about. We’ve had a few questions come in about it. We need a little more information about your system to help you out. If you give us a call, we can troubleshoot with you. 877.479.1119.

  2. Chris

    This is another vote for a Linux version of CE. I’d like to start running Linux on a home computer, but won’t until there is a good product available.

    Thanks for what you guys do.


  3. Pete

    I know that folks have been asking for CE software for Blackberry for years now. Why is it taking so long?

  4. Ben

    @ Rillion, did you manage to successfully use CE via VPN on your iPhone? I would be interested in knowing how to accomplish this as it would enable me to monitor all Internet usage on my iPhone, not just usage via the CE app. Thanks in advance!

  5. Jorell

    The Tor Browser beats Covenant Eyes. Does anyone have a solution for this? The Tor Browser installs and starts in seconds, so it’s not simply a matter of uninstalling it.

  6. JB

    I’ve stumbled across this thread, read all the comments, and I’m slightly amused by the fact that the consistent issues are Linux and VPNs. These are the biggest gaps in CE’s shield, and both are easily stumbled upon by determined individuals.

    I was initially impressed by just how effective CE was on my Windows machine, but when I learned of those weaknesses, all the effectiveness was gone. As a computer science student, I may have had knowledge that others would not, but the fact remains that there are certainly others like me who are one accidental discovery away from losing a weapon in the battle for purity.

    It would be nice if, in the future, CE could be compatible with Linux and more effective with VPNs. That said, I know these are difficult areas to cover, and a lack of solutions is understandable.

    • Rillion

      JB, I agree with you. I’ve been a CE user for a while now, and I remember having the same frustrating sentiments Jeff had earlier in the thread. I was even angry at CE for apparently “ignoring” the Linux people. I’ve finally resigned to the fact that even if there was CE for Linux, those of us who use it can easily circumvent it because of the tech knowledge we have. However, even though I have given up on waiting for a Linux CE client, I’ve not stopped thinking about and trying other things. Here’s a list of things I’ve been doing and ideas I’ve been kicking around. I hope the community gives feedback.

      – Use OpenDNS site filtering on your broadband router, lock it down by rerouting all other DNS packets to OpenDNS filtering servers, and give sole access to the router to your accountability partner. This will at least cover the machines at home. It won’t cover usage of proxies like Tor or VPN’s.

      – Currently I’m working on getting OpenDNS and possibly CE working on my iPhone by utilizing VPN. The idea is this: Set up VPN server to a “safe network” filtered by OpenDNS and possibly CE. Setup iPhone to route all traffic, Wifi and 3G, to the VPN. Have your accountability partner lock down the iPhone VPN settings with iPhone configuration utility. (Yes it can be done!) So far I’ve tested iPhone VPN to the OpenDNS protected network successfully. Both Wifi and 3G is locked down. The next thing to test is to set up a VPN server that also has CE installed and see if it will watch all the traffic.

      – As for Linux users on the road? *sigh* I haven’t figured anything out yet. I used to be in this camp, but I’ve switched to using a Mac. I’m still thinking of ideas though.

      – As for CE dealing with proxies and VPN’s? What CE could do is start including bandwidth usage in the reports. If there is a huge amount of traffic that is unaccounted for, it would be an indication that proxies or VPN’s are being used, and then at the next accountability meeting, there would be some explaining to be done.

    • Matthew

      Rillion, I know this is a tremendously old post, but I’m curious, have you had success in getting a VPN connection set up and locked down on an iPhone? If the VPN server is running CE, does it also monitor traffic routed to client computers?

      I’d love to hear how you got everything set up. Thanks for your comment.

  7. Adam

    Just open source it please. I want to see a port of this to Linux so I can use it again. I’m so tired of falling back into the traps. :'(

  8. Craig Smith

    Thanks first for the fine software. It has helped me maintain victory over pornography, and I am very grateful.

    We have a Christian Outreach Center going up in our community. Something which profit from an internet-gateway-filtering appliance. Are you working on something like this, or could you give me a recommendation of another product that does a good job of filtering and accountability for a church business?



    • Luke Gilkerson

      @Craig – I’ll shoot you an e-mail.

  9. Ron

    I stumbled on this while searching for information on using Covenant Eyes with a VPN such as Hotspot Shield. My employer has personnel in politically- and religiously-sensitive regions of the world and these workers need to exercise care in how openly they communicate with colleagues. These personnel generally want some form of accountability (to other colleagues or trusted individuals) but also want to shield at least some of their online activities from prying eyes (primarily intrusive governments that may not have their best interests in mind).

    Anyway, that said, wow! I’m appalled at the tenor of some of the comments here. Covenant Eyes is a good tool, but it’s not your Mom, Dad, spouse, pastor or priest and it can’t change your heart. CE (the company) is doing an excellent job and will continue to improve and offer additional features and may support additional platforms. If you struggle with the desire to look at bad things, and haven’t already done so, you need to recognize your need and ask Jesus to save you (you can’t change your heart–your core being–through sheer will power). If you are a believer and still struggle with this issue, you need to find an accountability partner that you can call to help you overcome these temptations, and perhaps more importantly, pray, fast and memorize scripture. There is no “magic formula”, but all of these can help change your sinful desires/appetites. Ultimately, you are responsible for your viewing choices and you can’t blame your sin on a product/tool for not being available on your preferred operating system or not being 100% uncircumventable. Your choices today affect who you will be tomorrow and where you will be 1, 5, 10 and more years from now. Surf responsibly!

    • Luke Gilkerson

      @Ron – Thanks for your comment. It is true: Covenant Eyes is only a tool to help facilitate redemptive relationships. If you don’t take responsibility for fostering those relationships (with Jesus and His body), then tools like Covenant Eyes will be less helpful to you.

    • Adam

      True enough, but having accountability makes it easier to not fall into sin. I’m not looking for a filter (this is a bonus), I’m looking for accountability. The idea is, you’re not alone even when you think you are then, not that God can’t see everything though. It’s like having a second person in the room.

      Secondly, many of us want to stop, but an addiction is an addiction. Whether or not it’s smoking, lying, gambling, drinking, or porn, they are still there and you need help to overcome them. This is one step on the way there, and it would be nice if it was available for a fairly popular, open source OS.

  10. J

    Also, I had a legitimate question.

    I began using a free vpn, hotspot shield, using the latest version of windows 7 / opera – primarily for use at starbucks to keep things secure. I was just browsing around, trying to figure out how/if CE would interfere with the security of VPN but it seem to be working fine. Just wanted to make sure though.


    • Luke Gilkerson

      @J – Thanks for your comments!

      As for your VPN question: It all depends on the security the VPN software uses. If you are seeing activity on your accountability reports, then everything should be working properly. If you see any issues, then we may need to troubleshoot with you. You can always call us up if you see any red flags. 877.479.1119.

      Thanks, J!

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