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Articles by Luke Gilkerson

Luke Gilkerson has a BA in Philosophy and Religious Studies and an MA in Religion. He is the author of Your Brain on Porn and The Talk: 7 Lessons to Introduce Your Child to Biblical Sexuality. Luke and his wife Trisha blog at IntoxicatedOnLife.com

Film Review – Traffic Control: The People’s War on Internet Porn

I just picked up a copy of the documentary Traffic Control: The People’s War on Internet Porn. In a word: it was excellent. I highly recommend picking up a copy. (Watch the trailer at the…

Of Gods and Girls – Hiphop Star Speaks out Against Child Pornography

I just ran across this music video from hiphop star, Mr. J Medeiros. It’s a song called “Constance,” and it speaks a strong message against the pornography industry, and in particular, child pornography and sex…

Is Filtering All There Is? – Introducing Accountability Software

Everyone’s heard of Internet filtering. For children using the Internet, filtering may be one of the best tools we have to protect their young minds from stumbling on questionable, objectionable, and pornographic content online. But even…

The Covenant Eyes Dynamic Filter – How It Works

The information in this post is outdated. For a detailed description of how our new Web rating system works, visit here. It’s been about one year since Covenant Eyes released its Internet filter for Windows.…

Myths About Pornography

I spend the bulk of my working hours surfing the Web to listen to the chatter about porn. Addicts, wives of addicts, parents of addicts, porn stars and pastors and priests, the tempted and the…

Is Internet Addiction Real?

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) has been the standard handbook for mental health professionals for over 50 years. A release of the approved fifth edition, the DSM-V, is expected in 2012.…

Podcast: The Perfect Sin (Internet Pornography)

I just finished listening to a podcast from one of our ministry partners, Steve Webb. One of his latest Lifespring podcasts, “The Perfect Sin: Internet Pornography,” offers a number of thoughts for the porn addict.…

One Wife Speaks: My Husband’s 40-Year Addiction to Porn

I recently read this testimony from a woman on the blog, A Good Husband. It is a candid testimony of a woman whose husband has been going through a 40-year addiction to pornography. It was…

Promise Keepers and the Battle for Sexual Freedom

Since 1990, Promise Keepers has been the host of major gatherings of Christian men. Starting this summer, Promise Keepers will be continuing the legacy. The identity of men and the concept of manhood itself are…