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Articles by Keith Rose

Keith Rose holds a Master of Divinity degree and BA in Sacred Music. Keith worked with the Covenant Eyes Member Care Team for 15 years. He has also served as a Bible teacher, pastoral assistant, and music director at his local church. He's now the editor of the Covenant Eyes blog and the author of Allied: Fighting Porn With Accountability, Faith, and Friends. He lives in Hendersonville, North Carolina with his wife Ruby and daughter Winslow. Contact Keith with blog inquiries.

Image for article: Porn and Anxiety: What Does Research Tell Us?

Porn and Anxiety: What Does Research Tell Us?

Is there a connection between watching porn and anxiety? Perhaps you’ve been experiencing anxiety and have wondered if it’s related to your porn habit. Maybe you’ve noticed a friend or loved one who seems especially…

Image for article: How to Overcome Lust: 4 Tips for Teens

How to Overcome Lust: 4 Tips for Teens

So, you’re a teenager and you’re battling lust. You know that lustful thoughts don’t honor God, and you also don’t like the out-of-control feeling of your sexual desires. It feels dirty—and scary. But it seems…

Image for article: Perspectives on Willpower Series Recap

Perspectives on Willpower Series Recap

Psychologists love to research willpower and self-control. And with good reason—it takes extraordinary effort and discipline to make your way in the world. Most people can benefit personally from figuring out how it works. The…

Image for article: Personality vs. Porn: Perspectives on Willpower 7

Personality vs. Porn: Perspectives on Willpower 7

We all know someone with apparently inexhaustible willpower. You know, the marathon runner. The friend from college who finished two degrees while working full-time. The co-worker who stares tirelessly at a screen all day, reading…

Image for article: Quitting Porn Fast and Slow: Perspectives on Willpower 6

Quitting Porn Fast and Slow: Perspectives on Willpower 6

Have you ever felt like you have a split personality? You have the best intentions to get up early, work out, eat salad, and read good books. But when it comes right down to it,…

Image for article: The Process of Quitting Porn: Perspectives on Willpower 5

The Process of Quitting Porn: Perspectives on Willpower 5

The process model sees self-control as a process—no surprise here. This really means that there’s a cycle we go through when we face temptation. First, we see something we want. Next, we think about how…

Image for article: Accounting for Porn: Perspectives on Willpower 4

Accounting for Porn: Perspectives on Willpower 4

What is worth more to you: looking at porn or not looking at porn? Think about your decisions like an accountant would. When you face the choice to look at porn or not look at…

Image for article: Cybernetic Control Over Porn: Perspectives on Willpower 3

Cybernetic Control Over Porn: Perspectives on Willpower 3

In our last article, we looked at what kinds of plans succeed or fail to accomplish your goals. This article explores the interaction between you and your plans—”cybernetic control.” Cybernetic control sounds like something from…

Image for article: Planning to Overcome Porn

Planning to Overcome Porn

What makes a goal work? How do you identify a good plan to accomplish that goal? What makes a bad plan? These are the questions that psychologists tackled when they developed “goal systems theory.” “Goal…