Articles by Jim Rose
Rev. J.E. (Jim) Rose is an ordained minister, licensed professional counselor, and certified clinical supervisor. He is a staff counselor at Covenant Eyes and specializes in sexual addictions and the unique needs of clergy and other professional caregivers. He is also the Director of Nehemiah Ministries, a 160-acre retreat and counseling center in south-central Michigan for pastors and missionaries.

5 Important Steps to Help Someone Overcome Porn
As a counselor and pastor for 40 years, I’ve had scores of accountability relationships, many with porn strugglers and their families. Though the main priority is understood to be a relationship where we hold each…

Porn and Your Three-in-One Brain
Brains are complicated. But some neuroscientists use “Triune Brain Theory” as a simple way of understanding the brain’s complexities. I call the three parts, the Gut Brain, the Heart Brain, and the Head Brain. The…

“Why Doesn’t God Help Me Overcome Porn for Good?”
You’ve tried everything to deal with your porn struggle. You’ve read all the right books, listened to the podcasts, maybe even talked to a counselor. You studied passages in the Bible about freedom from sin…
Join over 1.7 million people who've used Covenant Eyes to experience victory over porn.