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Want to write for the Covenant Eyes blog? Share the story of your journey to freedom from pornography. Let us know how you overcame porn or how Covenant Eyes has made a difference in your life or the lives of those you love.

Straight Talk on Bikinis

I teach girls all over the nation at a purity conference how to be modest and stylish. A lot of people think it can’t be done, but it can. I talk about not showing cleavage…

Image for article: Authentic Fellowship: A Powerful Ingredient for Freedom Living

Authentic Fellowship: A Powerful Ingredient for Freedom Living

Something phenomenal is missing from many churches. I think that people are missing out on something. I think men in the Church especially are missing out on something. Jesus came to deliver people, not to…

My Prayers for Purity Don’t Seem to Work – What’s Missing?

by Stephen Nielsen I have struggled for most of my life in sexual sin. And I am a Christian. As a Christian I have desired purity and have prayed for it. But my prayers didn’t…

Get Rooted: Escaping the Lure of Sexy Media

by Jerome Vierling Tweets, e-mail, live-streaming, reality TV shows, sports, merchandise stores…the list goes on and on. These mainstreams all carry a message and are competing for the mind share of humans. They all use…

Marriage Matters – Book Review

by Alasdair Groves The preface to Marriage Matters: Extraordinary Change Through Ordinary Moments (MM) opens with a question: Why yet one more book on marriage? Winston Smith, a counselor and faculty member at the Christian…

Image for article: Caught and Expelled for Sexual Sin: Is this What the Church Should Do?

Caught and Expelled for Sexual Sin: Is this What the Church Should Do?

Mark is an incredibly gifted man. So talented, he was once the worship pastor of a large church in the South. Extremely creative and energizing. Living the dream. Reaching his goals. And hiding a massive…

New Privacy Risk With Smartphone Photos

by Kari Glemaker Multi-function capabilities are among the best features of smartphones. Instead of taking a digital camera, video recorder, laptop computer, and MP3 player on vacation, I just pack my smartphone and have all…

New Research on Porn Addiction and Accountability

by John Y. Lee I still remember the first time I watched a pornographic video thanks to the Internet—it was an electrifying sensation that I cannot readily forget. That scene was immediately burned into my…

Covenant Eyes Accountability: A Conduit of God’s Grace

by Richard Smith The gospel is good news because it reveals the grace of God. Jesus died on a cross and rose from the dead to rescue you from the coming wrath. You will not…