Articles by Fred Stoeker
Fred Stoeker is the co-author of several books, including Every Man's Battle and Every Young Man's Battle. Fred and his wife Brenda also wrote Every Heart Restored, a book designed to help wives restore their hearts for their husbands in the wake of sexual sin. Fred is no stranger to pornography temptations and what they can do to a marriage. After stumbling upon his father's Playboy magazine under his Dad's bed in first grade, Fred struggled with pornographic materials for the next twenty years or so. Through his books Fred brings the years of practical wisdom he learned about overcoming lust and restoring broken trust.

Fred Stoeker’s Advice for Rebuilding Trust in a Marriage After Pornography
If you’re to rebuild marital trust in the wake of a husband’s betrayal, there can be no dancing around the issue. The root of the problem is his behavior. When a husband demolishes his wife’s…
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