Articles by Eddie Capparucci
Eddie Capparucci, Ph.D., LPC, C-CSAS, specializes in treating sex/porn addiction. He is the creator of the Inner Child Model for treating this addiction, a trauma-based approach toward healing. He is the author of the books, Going Deeper: How the Inner Child Impacts Your Sexual Addiction and Why Men Struggle to Love: Overcoming Relational Blind Spots. He can be reached at edcappa@gmail.com.

Finding Recovery Difficult? Imagine What Your Partner Is Feeling
Daniel stormed about the office, complaining about his porn recovery schedule: “This is too overwhelming for me. She knows what my work schedule is like and how demanding my job is… yet, she and you…

Do You Have the Emotional Intelligence to Quit Porn?
“Yeah, I would say Kevin is making good progress with his pornography addiction,” Carol told me during a couple’s session when I asked if she thought her husband was on the right path of recovery.…
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