Articles by Amanda Zurface
Amanda Zurface is the Catholic Church Outreach Specialist for Covenant Eyes. Amanda holds a License and MA in Canon Law and a BA in Catholic Theology and Social Justice. Amanda has served in various roles within the Catholic Church both in the United States and internationally. She is the co-author of Equipped: Smart Catholic Parenting in a Sexualized Culture, Confident: Helping Parents Navigate Online Exposure, and Transformed by Beauty. She resides in Lexington, Ohio where she manages

5 Holiday Messages for Your Parish Bulletin
We all have our holiday traditions. Whether it’s decorating the tree, making cookies, setting up our crèche scene, or hosting festive gatherings, our celebrating is a welcome time! But gift buying, family gatherings, and extra cooking…

5 Steps to Implement Safe Haven Sunday in Your Parish
Regardless of the size of a parish, the role of the parish priest and his leadership team is essentially the same: the salvation of souls. This is the sole reason for the Incarnation, Passion, Death,…

Revitalizing Diocesan and Parish Ministry With Safe Haven Sunday
Addressing hard topics is key to fruitful diocesan and parish ministry. After the Gospel reading, I sat down in my pew and asked the Holy Spirit to open me up to what the priest was…

Safe Haven Sunday: Making Each Home a Safe Place
There is a deep-seated struggle in the heart of the Church, and thus the heart of the family. Pornography has found its way into our homes, places of work, rectories, churches, communities, schools—you name it.…

Introducing a Resource for Betrayed Catholic Women
Have you ever felt alone? I mean, really alone? Like there’s no one in the world who can help you with the grief or trauma you’re facing? There are thousands of women who experience this…

Survey Shows Why Parents Should Keep Smartphones Out of the Bedroom
Parents have dreams for their children. The parents I know constantly ask God to guide and protect them, to make their children the saints they’re called to be! They want to protect their children from…

A Powerful Daily Habit to Start the New Year
The first days of January are always full of life, excitement, and motivation! It begins with bright colors of confetti, selfies with the ones we love, champagne bubbles, and the delicious salty and sweet foods…

Theology of the Body: On Sex and the Meaning of Life
I thrive when I have something that inspires and drives me. You know, something that puts some pep in your step, wakes you up early in the morning, or even sends you to bed early just to be…

Are you over-spiritualizing your porn struggle?
Have you ever thought that you may be over-spiritualizing, or possibly under-spiritualizing, your struggle with pornography? This question may come as a surprise to you, but asking yourself this question and responding accordingly may help you…
Join over 1.7 million people who've used Covenant Eyes to experience victory over porn.