Search Results for: "future marriage university"

Blog Post

Why Marrying a Supermodel Won’t Satisfy

I remember the way I thought about marriage back when I was a single chap. I had determined that if I was ever going to get married (i.e. tied down to just one woman for the rest of my days), my wife would have to meet three criteria: She had…


Day 21: Singleness and Longing

When you’re single, almost anything can become a reminder of your aloneness. Valentine’s Day candy sales, sermon illustrations about marriage, engagement photos on Facebook and Instagram… all of these can be triggers for feelings of loneliness or bitterness, even if you know you don’t need a relationship to be fulfilled.…

Last Updated: March 28, 2024

Blog Post

Singleness and Longing: Why Porn Is Not the Cure

Valentine’s Day is still a few weeks away, but the seasonal items—the balloons, the teddy bears, the crummy candy in heart-shaped cardboard boxes—are already going up in the stores. Pretty strange, considering that as I’ve gotten older, I’ve come to the realization that the only people over the age of…


Day 16: Self-Worship or God-Worship?

How is pornography linked to idolatry and what does this have to do with our marriages and relationships? Porn = Self-Worship Pornography is first and foremost about fantasy. Christian counselor Winston Smith addresses the subject of sexual fantasies with these questions, “How do the people populating my fantasies relate to me? What are…

Last Updated: March 28, 2024


Day 15: What We Gain When We Pursue Purity

A bit ago we looked at reasons why resolutions often fail and how to succeed instead;  you can revisit that material here. Today we’re going to do a deeper dive into the second point from that material: the rewards of purity. Focus on the rewards According to Peter Kinderman, Professor of Clinical Psychology…

Last Updated: March 28, 2024

Blog Post

I Can’t Do It Alone

I crouched nervously behind the glow of our home office computer. Just hours before, my sister and her friends had called me into that very room to see “something funny.” I was trying to remember the words they searched — to replicate the series of clicks that would bring me…

Blog Post

Will a Better Sex Life Keep Porn at Bay?

Whose side am I going to take? The defeated husband who feels like his unresponsive wife is hanging him out to dry with his temptation or the betrayed wife who feels like she’s being blamed for her husband’s sinful choices? The single person who “knows” sexual temptation will be less…

Blog Post

Talking to Your Kids About Sex: A Parent-Child Bible Study

Talking to their kids about lust and pornography feels daunting for many parents. And these topics are secondary to a more foundational discussion of sex. Parents who are fearful of talking to their kids about sex leave a void of silence the world—especially pornography—will be glad to fill. The problem…

Blog Post

Porn Made Me a Hollow Shell

I grew up in a middle-class home that, on the surface, appeared ordinary. I went to school, played sports, and earned good grades. But, behind closed doors, I was struggling. I was managing my father’s aggression and protecting my mom. Unknowingly, I began searching for ways to cope—to feel pleasure.…