Articles by Sam Black
Sam Black is the author of The Healing Church: What Churches Get Wrong About Pornography and How to Fix It and The Porn Circuit: Understand Your Brain and Break Porn Habits. The director of recovery education, Sam joined the Covenant Eyes team in 2007 after 18 years as a journalist. He has edited 16 books on the impact of pornography and speaks at parent, men’s, and leaders' events. Sam is passionate about helping Christians live free from pornography because he knows you keep what you give away. He walks his own grace-filled journey with the support of valued allies.
4 Ways Porn Kills Great Sex in Marriage
Porn makes promises it can’t keep, especially when it comes to hot sex in marriage. Porn won’t spice up your sex life, and it won’t make you a better lover. Science and psychology show that…
Porn Can’t Give No Satisfaction
The following is an edited excerpt from Chapter 5 of the free e-book The Porn Circuit: Understand Your Brain and Break Porn Habits in 90 Days. The pornified brain sounds a lot like Mick Jagger;…
The Bible and the Brain
How Scripture strengthens, renews neurological pathways The Creator of the brain gave mankind a neurological handbook—the Bible. To live new lives we just have to embed its truths into our daily thinking. Science shows us…
Five Tips to Jumpstart Your Accountability
Giving a little attention to a few details can make a big difference in getting the most from Covenant Eyes. Better yet, we’ve made these details easier to complete! Use this shortcut to check out…
Why Do Men Binge on Porn?
Understanding the Neuroscience Behind Online Harems A wife who stumbles on the Internet tracks of her husband’s porn tour is often shocked at the number of images and videos in this cyber harem. Why so…
Keep Yourself Out of the Headlines
Why an Internet use policy is important, and how to get your own As a leader, rate the following. If none are a priority to your church, business, or organization, stop reading. Public reputation The…
Painful story of teen’s bullying, suicide serves as warning to parents
Amanda Todd’s heart-wrenching video of how she was bullied and stalked leaves indelible questions and even fears for parents: “How can kids be so cruel? Could this happen to my child or a teen in…
iPads in Education: Porn’s Trojan Horse
Helping educators safely use iPads in the classroom and homeschool Instead of a big backpack overloaded with textbooks, many kids are walking home from school with something new: an iPad. The problem is, schools are…
Rethinking the Sex Talk (Part 2)
Talking to a son about girls, sex, and pornography can make even a dad’s face blush. But dads can help their sons understand the difference between healthy relationships and the pathologies of today’s sex-soaked culture.…
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