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Articles by Luke Gilkerson

Luke Gilkerson has a BA in Philosophy and Religious Studies and an MA in Religion. He is the author of Your Brain on Porn and The Talk: 7 Lessons to Introduce Your Child to Biblical Sexuality. Luke and his wife Trisha blog at IntoxicatedOnLife.com

Porn in the USA

For anyone wanting some statistics about pornography in America, I just did an interview for The Plow which includes some fast facts and quotes from the experts: “Porn in the US of A” How much…

A Buzz Better Than Porn

In a John Piper sermon I watched recently, he said that our souls were designed to be connected to “shocking, stunning, divine, absolute, staggering grandeur,” that the human heart was “made to be staggered by…

Helping Parents Understand Social Networking and Internet Addiction

The social networking phenomenon is accelerating at record speeds and isn’t likely to slow down any time soon. Research shows that 9-to-17-year-olds report spending almost as much time using social networking services like MySpace, Facebook,…

Podcast: "Teens' Online 'Friends' Often Number in Hundreds" – NPR Interview (6 minutes)

Curious about privacy on social networking sites? Will society be more forgiving of the “digital footprints” young people leave online? Does “privacy” mean anything when someone has a friend list numbering in the 100s? Robert…

Sermon: "Battling the Unbelief of Lust" – John Piper Sermon

If you are wanting a good sermon on battling lust, go DesiringGod.org and listen to “Battling the Unbelief of Lust” by John Piper.  You can also find a transcript of the message on the same…

Stop, Look, Listen – a plan of action for wives who discover their husband’s porn addiction

A casual exploration of the Internet will show how pornography is affecting marriages across the country. It seems that many people coming from a variety of faith backgrounds are talking about how pornography is hurting…

Husbands Who Watch Porn (Part 2) – Wives, you are not alone

Many thanks to the men and women who responded to my blog post, Husbands Who Watch Porn.  I’ve been interacting more and more with people and hearing more testimonies from couples who have experienced marital…

Cyberbullying: The New Playground

In a previous blog post, I wrote about one of the potential dangers of social networking—Internet predators. This popular topic comes with its share of myths, but when we strip away the misconceptions, parents and…

Pastor and Recovering Porn Addict Tells His Story

Meet Tal Prince—recovering porn/sex addict and founder of Tapestry of Hope , a church in Birmingham, Alabama. Deep Into Jesus Tal says, “I’ve been in church since I was a fetus.” Tal is the step-son…