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Articles by Dan Armstrong

Dan Armstrong has been featured in local and national publications regarding the issue of pornography’s harm on society. He has spoken at several national conferences regarding purity, protecting your children, and being educated on how technology and porn impact the brain. Dan and his wife have five children.

Image for article: HBO Makes the Dirty Dozen List

HBO Makes the Dirty Dozen List

If you add a storyline to pornography, does it make it any less pornographic? The answer is “no,” but that’s the draw for many in HBO’s hit show Game of Thrones. “It’s absolutely brimming with…

Image for article: Why 2016 Is Covenant Eyes’ Most Ambitious Year Yet

Why 2016 Is Covenant Eyes’ Most Ambitious Year Yet

Imagine trying to replicate the motion of the wax in a lava lamp by using modeling clay. It’s very difficult to make modeling clay move at all, let alone have it mimic motion. Holding someone…

Image for article: Idols of the Heart (Part 1)

Idols of the Heart (Part 1)

In the last few videos in this series, I talked about the cycle of temptation, applying it specifically to pornography. We looked at James 1:12-15. If you haven’t had a chance to watch the other…

Image for article: Verizon, can you hear us now?

Verizon, can you hear us now?

“Can you hear me now?”  That iconic 2002 catchphrase catapulted Verizon as one of the leading wireless service companies in the world. Now, that phrase is being used against the communications giant. Those who support…

Image for article: The Deadly Cycle of Pornography

The Deadly Cycle of Pornography

In my last video I talked about the cycle of temptation, applying it specifically to pornography. If you haven’t gotten a chance to look at it go ahead and watch last week’s video. If you are…

Image for article: What does amazon.com have to do with sexual exploitation?

What does amazon.com have to do with sexual exploitation?

It started innocently enough, a teenage boy looking for cool t-shirts online. But what he saw was more than what he ever expected. Instantly, suggestions of apparel began bombarding him. They featured images of full…

Image for article: The 4 Stages of Temptation

The 4 Stages of Temptation

Recently I introduced this series of the porn addiction cycle and why it is so complicated and difficult to get out of this seemingly never-ending turmoil. I mentioned how James states in Chapter 1, “Blessed is…

Image for article: Celebrate Covenant Eyes’ Second Location With Us

Celebrate Covenant Eyes’ Second Location With Us

Since the purchase of the former Owosso Schools Administration Building last October, workers have been getting it ready to house up to 38 Covenant Eyes employees. The addition of 36 employees in 2015, and the…

Image for article: Is Porn a Problem in the Church?: Intro to the Cycle of Porn Series

Is Porn a Problem in the Church?: Intro to the Cycle of Porn Series

In today’s digital world, hundreds of thousands of men and women—even Christian men and women—struggle with pornography. A survey was done just last year and nearly two thirds of self-identified Christian men said they watch…