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Articles by Bob Reehm

Bob Reehm has worked with Navigators for over 20 years, ministering to Naval post-graduates. Bob is the author of The War Within: Gaining Victory in the Battle for Sexual Purity.

Image for article: Tactics to Get Pure and Stay Pure (Part 7)

Tactics to Get Pure and Stay Pure (Part 7)

In the late 1930s, Germany ravaged its European neighbors, conquering them one by one. The last major European stronghold was Britain. Germany’s battle tactic was twofold: bomb them into surrender and to starve them by…

Image for article: Tactics to Get Pure and Stay Pure (Part 6)

Tactics to Get Pure and Stay Pure (Part 6)

I finally mustered up the nerve to ask the older, wiser, spiritual mentor, “Why do I still want to look at pornography? I can give you a hundred verses as to why it’s wrong, but…

Image for article: Tactics to Get Pure and Stay Pure (Part 5)

Tactics to Get Pure and Stay Pure (Part 5)

When you are outgunned, and outmanned, there are only four options. The first is to fight it out to the death, taking as many of the enemy with you as possible. The second option is…

Tactics to Get Pure and Stay Pure (Part 4)

I was defeated again…lust was reigning in my life. When I would leave my house in the morning, darkness would set in. I felt compelled to look for porn and “act out.” It had been…

Tactics to Get Pure and Stay Pure (Part 3)

Wouldn’t it be great if there were cloaking devices for sin? In Star Trek, a cloaking device was used to hide or mask the presence of a spaceship. Using such a device, you could sneak…

Tactics to Get Pure and Stay Pure (Part 2)

During WWII, construction of Navy ships always included armor. Designers would build in ‘armor belts’ where ships would be most vulnerable. You would reinforce the areas right at the water line to defend against torpedoes.…

Tactics to Get Pure and Stay Pure (Part 1)

I first started looking at porn when I was about 10 years old. I was immediately consumed with looking at, looking for, and accumulating my own private stash of porn. Along with this was the…