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Articles by Victory Stories

Every day at Covenant Eyes we hear inspiring stories of victory over porn. Share the story of your journey to freedom from pornography.

Doing whatever it takes to break free from pornography: Justin’s Story

The following is an email we received from Justin Joseph, a Covenant Eyes member. Thanks for the encouraging story, Justin! Covenant Eyes has been installed on my laptop for about four months or so now.…

"My counselor said Covenant Eyes was a non-negotiable if I wanted to break free from porn addiction."

I just wanted to take a quick moment to let you know how Covenant Eyes has not only saved my marriage but restored me as a man. I had been involved in porn for several…

Anna’s Story: “I discovered my husband with pornography and demanded he get help”

The following is a testimony from Anna, a friend of our ministry who wants to share the story of her husband’s sex addiction and how God has brought them through their trials. Read her husband’s…

Looking Back: Jacob’s Story

I was at the chiropractor the other day and I realized something while he was twisting my neck unnaturally to the left. In my younger years, I could attain that position, with my eyes facing…

"By age eleven I was definitely a sex and pornography addict. But God beat all the odds."

The following is a testimony from a friend of our ministry. May his story encourage anyone who knows the pain and struggle of porn addiction. . . . . I relate so well to the…

"I was a 6th grade girl at a small Christian school who was addicted to pornography . . ."

The following is a testimony from Melody, a girl who has known firsthand the plight of pornography addiction and the redeeming power of Jesus. . . . . I was introduced to pornography by a…

Porn Addiction, Bulimia, and the Birth of New Dreams

Veronica and I met in October 2000. I had been clean for one month. That September, I accepted Christ while sitting on my forklift at work. I gave up my entire lifestyle . . .…

From Porn to Power: Sanford’s Story

We all know the grip that pornography has on the world, and particularly men. The number of Christian men falling privy to this sin is astounding. After a 10 year battle with sexual sin, I…

How Covenant Eyes Keeps Me Away From Pornography

  Covenant Eyes has been a true blessing for me the past four months, ever since my friend Cedric recommended it to me. Sadly, in our society these days, explicit material such as pornography has…