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Articles by Kay Bruner

Kay Bruner has been married to her husband Andy for over 25 years. For 20 of those years, she served with him at Wycliffe Bible Translators, working in the Solomon Islands preparing a New Testament translation into the Arosi language. They have four children and two rescue dogs. They live in the Dallas area where Andy works for SIL International, Wycliffe’s sister organization. Kay is a Licensed Professional Counselor with Rapha Christian Counseling. She is the author of As Soon As I Fell: A Memoir. You can read more of her articles at kaybruner.com.

Image for article: When Porn Shattered My Fairytale World

When Porn Shattered My Fairytale World

When I got married, I wanted the sun to shine and the sky to be blue. I wanted the birds to sing and the flowers to bloom and for us to hold hands and just…

Image for article: My Husband’s Porn Addiction: How We Rebuilt Trust

My Husband’s Porn Addiction: How We Rebuilt Trust

Ten years ago, we were missionaries in the Solomon Islands, arriving at the goal of our ministry: finishing a New Testament translation in the Arosi language. Ten years ago my husband Andy also had a…