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Articles by Jim Rose

Rev. J.E. (Jim) Rose is an ordained minister, licensed professional counselor, and certified clinical supervisor. He is a staff counselor at Covenant Eyes and specializes in sexual addictions and the unique needs of clergy and other professional caregivers. He is also the Director of Nehemiah Ministries, a 160-acre retreat and counseling center in south-central Michigan for pastors and missionaries.

Experts Admitting Internet Addiction Really Does Exist (It’s About Time!)

A thirteen year old boy, punching holes in the wall, throwing things angrily,  going to school only intermittently, refusing to do anything that will take him away from his obsession. Is this the plot of…

Building Spiritual Resistance Against Lust

Back in the 70s (when I was a teenager) there was a popular ad campaign for boys by Charles Atlas. If you’re old enough, you remember it: I was that skinny kid. My ribs showed.…

Pastors and Porn – Question #3: "What will my church think of me if I confess my problem?"

In 1984, two years into my first pastorate, with all the idealism and enthusiasm of youth, I presented my church with a vision for the future. As I am fond of doing, it was laid…