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Articles by Coach Joi

Coach Joi is a Betrayal Trauma Recovery Coach with 25 years of combined betrayal trauma, recovery, and coaching experience. She specializes in helping women recognize and establish safety around their husband’s abusive behaviors. She also specializes in secondary trauma caused by clergy, helping women hold appropriate boundaries for safety. She empowers women to opt out of the abuse while holding strong to their faith. She's trained by APSATS (CPC-c), The American Association for Sex Addiction Therapy (PRC), and BYU-I & Aspen Family Wellness (BCC). In addition to coaching, Joi is a Family Life Educator and a therapeutic counselor student/candidate.

Image for article: Navigating the Holidays Alone

Navigating the Holidays Alone

It seems the Hallmark-like images of holiday celebrations and Christmas romances are everywhere this time of year. For women married to active pornography users, these perfect Christmas card images can hijack our ability to regulate…